====== IRF de la BIOS de la Panasonic Toughpad FZ-B2D Mark II ====== Aquí se puede encontrar el IRF de la UEFI American Megatrends Aptio de una tablet panasonic toughpad FZ-B2D Mark II. Esto puede ser útil para localizar que direcciones cambiar con AmiSetupWriter.efi para modificar ajustes no visibles en la BIOS de esta tablet. ===== Diagrama de bloque del procesador ===== Si algún componente de la tablet no funciona es posible que tengas que cambiar algún modo de operación de ACPI a PCI o viceversa, para saber más o menos a que está conectado cada componente puedes revisar este diagrama de bloques. {{ :atom_02.png |}} ===== Configuración IRF ===== Esta es la configuración IRF extraida del archivo .CAP que contenía la BIOS dentro del actualizador de BIOS .apk oficial de panasonic. Las direcciones de memoria a modificar suelen estar indicadas con un "/*varoffset = 0x0001*/" siendo, por ejemplo, 0x0001 la dirección en cuestión. OJO, si la dirección es todo F como en este ejemplo: "/*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/" entonces no se puede cambiar. formset guid = 7B59104A-C00D-4158-87FF-F04D6396A915, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0007) /*Setup*/, classguid = 93039971-8545-4B04-B45E-32EB8326040E, class 1, subclass 0, defaultstore prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0000) /**/, attribute = 0x0000; defaultstore prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, attribute = 0x0001; varstore varid = 0x0001, name = Setup, guid = EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9; varstore varid = 0x0002, name = PlatformLang, guid = 8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C; varstore varid = 0x0003, name = PlatformLangCodes, guid = 8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C; varstore varid = 0x0004, name = SystemAccess, guid = E770BB69-BCB4-4D04-9E97-23FF9456FEAC; varstore varid = 0x0005, name = AMICallback, guid = 9CF0F18E-7C7D-49DE-B5AA-BBBAD6B21007; varstore varid = 0x0006, name = AMITSESetup, guid = C811FA38-42C8-4579-A9BB-60E94EDDFB34; varstore varid = 0x0007, name = BootManager, guid = B4909CF3-7B93-4751-9BD8-5BA8220B9BB2; varstore varid = 0x0008, name = Timeout, guid = 8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C; varstore varid = 0x0009, name = BootOrder, guid = 8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C; varstore varid = 0x000A, name = AddBootOption, guid = 19D96D3F-6A6A-47D2-B195-7B2432DA3BE2; varstore varid = 0x000B, name = DelBootOption, guid = F6C73719-F34C-479C-B32F-277FCBBCFE4F; varstore varid = 0x000C, name = LegacyDev, guid = A56074DB-65FE-45F7-BD21-2D2BDD8E9652; varstore varid = 0x000D, name = LegacyGroup, guid = A56074DB-65FE-45F7-BD21-2D2BDD8E9652; varstore varid = 0x000E, name = LegacyDevOrder, guid = A56074DB-65FE-45F7-BD21-2D2BDD8E9652; varstore varid = 0x000F, name = BootNowCount, guid = 052E6EB0-F240-42C5-8309-45874545C6B4; varstore varid = 0x0010, name = Shell, guid = C57AD6B7-0515-40A8-9D21-551652854E37; varstore varid = 0x0011, name = SetupSaveState, guid = C13B3CA2-CED9-4977-817A-31211ABE2E90; varstore varid = 0x0012, name = SetupMeiSecurityDefault, guid = EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9; varstore varid = 0x0013, name = SdControlSetupVar, guid = 89889B6D-D886-4205-9247-91A1CA9BD80F; varstore varid = 0x0014, name = TouchScreenSetupVar, guid = 803C07EC-71EF-4A34-94C9-403A8C072CE4; varstore varid = 0x0015, name = DebuggerSerialPortsEnabledVar, guid = 97CA1A5B-B760-4D1F-A54B-D19092032C90; varstore varid = 0x0016, name = BatteryChargeModeSetupVar, guid = CAE3F831-5E33-4444-84F5-34BD21F1D024; varstore varid = 0x0017, name = ConcealedModeSetupVar, guid = E7B8DCC4-6417-469B-8A72-72CF9CB68C1F; varstore varid = 0x0018, name = AmiCpuSetupFeatures, guid = EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9; varstore varid = 0x0019, name = DriverManager, guid = C0B4FB05-15E5-4588-9FE9-B3D39C067715; varstore varid = 0x001A, name = DriverOrder, guid = 8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C; varstore varid = 0x001B, name = NetworkStackVar, guid = D1405D16-7AFC-4695-BB12-41459D3695A2; varstore varid = 0x001C, name = SecureBootSetup, guid = 7B59104A-C00D-4158-87FF-F04D6396A915; varstore varid = 0x001D, name = SecureVarPresent, guid = 7B59104A-C00D-4158-87FF-F04D6396A915; varstore varid = 0x001E, name = VendorKeys, guid = 8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C; varstore varid = 0x001F, name = SetupMode, guid = 8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C; varstore varid = 0x0020, name = SecureBoot, guid = 8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C; varstore varid = 0x0021, name = UsbMassDevNum, guid = EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9; varstore varid = 0x0022, name = UsbMassDevValid, guid = EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9; varstore varid = 0x0023, name = UsbControllerNum, guid = EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9; varstore varid = 0x0024, name = UsbSupport, guid = EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9; varstore varid = 0x0025, name = BootableOSTypeSetupVar, guid = 9C77A0D6-0590-4C42-B8A0-7A8F09691167; varstore varid = 0x0026, name = FixedBoot, guid = EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9; varstore varid = 0x0027, name = FixedBootGroup, guid = EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9; form formid = 0x2710, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0007) /*Setup*/; goto 0x2711, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0001, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0009) /*Information*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; goto 0x2712, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0002, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0019) /*Debug*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; goto 0x2715, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0003, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x001A) /*Main*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif FALSE; goto 0x2716, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0004, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0020) /*Advanced*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endif; suppressif FALSE; goto 0x2717, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0005, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0022) /*Chipset*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endif; goto 0x271A, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0006, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0045) /*Security*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif FALSE; goto 0x2718, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0007, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0023) /*Boot*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endif; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0008, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0054) /*Exit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endform; form formid = 0x2711, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0009) /*Information*/; suppressif ideqval 0x02A1 == 65535; oneof varid = 0x0002, questionid = 0x0009, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x000A) /*Language*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x000B) /*Choose the system default language*/, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, value = 0, flags = 0x11; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, value = 1, flags = 0x01; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x000C) /*Product Information*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x000D) /*Model No*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x000E) /*N/A*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x000F) /*Serial No*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0010) /*N/A*/; suppressif ideqval 0x02A0 == 1; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x006F) /*Asset Tag*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0070) /*N/A*/; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0013) /*System Information*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0091) /*Brand String of the Processor*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0090) /*Processor Type*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0092) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00A4) /*Displays the Processor Frequency.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00A2) /*Processor Speed*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0098) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0186) /*Total Memory in the System.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0184) /*Memory Size*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0185) /*N/A*/; suppressif FALSE; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0192) /*Available Memory in the System.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0190) /*Available Memory*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0191) /*N/A*/; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x029F == 1; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05CB) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0913) /*Storage*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0914) /*Empty*/; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0071) /*BIOS Information*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0072) /*BIOS*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0074) /*N/A*/; suppressif ideqval 0x0014 == 0 OR (ideqval 0x0014 == 2 AND ideqval 0x029E == 1); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07EA) /*BIOS Configuration*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07EB) /*N/A*/; endif; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0866) /*Embedded Controller*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0867) /*N/A*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x028B) /*TXE Firmware version.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0289) /*Intel(R) TXE Firmware*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x028A) /*N/A*/; suppressif ideqval 0x0015 == 0; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x075E) /*Accumulative Operating Time*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x075F) /*N/A*/; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 0; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0014) /*Access Level*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0015) /*User*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0014) /*Access Level*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0016) /*Supervisor*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x029D == 1; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x007C) /*Sample ID*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x007D) /*N/A*/; endif; endform; varstore varid = 0x0028, name = DynamicPageCount, guid = B63BF800-F267-4F55-9217-E97FB3B69846; varstore varid = 0x0029, name = DriverHlthEnable, guid = 0885F288-418C-4BE1-A6AF-8BAD61DA08FE; varstore varid = 0x002A, name = DriverHealthCount, guid = 7459A7D4-6533-4480-BBA7-79E25A4443C9; varstore varid = 0x002B, name = DrvHealthCtrlCnt, guid = 58279C2D-FB19-466E-B42E-CD437016DC25; form formid = 0x2712, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0019) /*Debug*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0001*/ questionid = 0x000A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0026) /*Fast Boot*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0027) /*Enables or disables boot with initialization of a minimal set of devices required to launch active boot option. Has no effect for BBS boot options.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C2) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C1) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x000A == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x000A == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0002*/ questionid = 0x000B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05B5) /* SATA Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05B6) /*If Last Boot HDD Only, Only last boot HDD device will be available in Post. If All Sata Devices, all SATA devices will be available in OS and Post.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C8) /*Last Boot HDD Only*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C7) /*All Sata Devices*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x000A == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x000A == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0003*/ questionid = 0x000C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05BB) /* VGA Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05BC) /*If Auto, only install Legacy OpRom with Legacy OS and logo would NOT be shown during post. Efi driver will still be installed with EFI OS.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0006) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C5) /*EFI Driver*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x000A == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x000A == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0004*/ questionid = 0x000D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05B7) /* USB Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05B8) /*If Disabled, all USB devices will NOT be available until after OS boot. If Partial Initial, USB Mass Storage and specific USB port/device will NOT be available before OS boot. If Enabled, all USB devices will be available in OS and Post.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C2) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x20; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C3) /*Full Initial*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C4) /*Partial Initial*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x000A == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x000A == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0005*/ questionid = 0x000E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05B9) /* PS2 Devices Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05BA) /*If Disabled, PS2 devices will be skipped.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C2) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C1) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x000A == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x000A == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0007*/ questionid = 0x000F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05BD) /* NetWork Stack Driver Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05BE) /*If Disabled, NetWork Stack Driver will be skipped.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C2) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C1) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x000A == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0006*/ questionid = 0x0010, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C9) /*Redirection Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05CA) /*If disable, Redirection function will be disabled.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C2) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x20; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05C1) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0049*/ questionid = 0x0011, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0755) /*Boot Device On Hib Resume Item*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x004E*/ questionid = 0x0012, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x076B) /*LCD Brightness Mode Visible*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x076C) /*Visible*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x076D) /*Invisible*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x005E*/ questionid = 0x0013, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07A9) /*Optional Kit Config SubMenu*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0064*/ questionid = 0x0014, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07EC) /*BIOS Configuration Visible*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07ED) /*Invisible*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07EE) /*Visible*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07EF) /*Overseas Model Only*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x009B*/ questionid = 0x0015, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0760) /*AccumOpTime Default Visible*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0761) /*Invisible*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0762) /*Visible*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0182) /*Memory Information*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0186) /*Total Memory in the System.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0184) /*Memory Size*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0185) /*N/A*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0281) /*GOP Information*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0284) /*GOP driver version*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0282) /*Intel(R) GOP Driver*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0283) /*N/A*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0285) /*TXE Information*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0288) /*Sec RC version.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0286) /*Sec RC Version */, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0287) /*N/A*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x028B) /*TXE Firmware version.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0289) /*Intel(R) TXE Firmware*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x028A) /*N/A*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02AA*/ questionid = 0x0016, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0609) /*Secure Boot Items In Security Menu*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05CB) /**/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02DC*/ questionid = 0x0017, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F5) /*Bootable OS Type Item In Boot Menu*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02DE*/ questionid = 0x0018, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x084F) /*Priorities Submenu In Boot Menu*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0329*/ questionid = 0x0019, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08E9) /*Barcode Reader Trigger*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08EA) /*Select whether the Barcode Reader Trigger is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0036*/ questionid = 0x001A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x007E) /*Temperature Trace*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x007F) /*Select whether the Temperature Trace function is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0038*/ questionid = 0x001B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0080) /*Show all menu on Exit page*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0081) /**/, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; endoneof; goto 0x2726, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x001C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x053A) /*ACPI Settings*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x053B) /*System ACPI Parameters.*/; goto 0x274A, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x2749, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08FB) /*PcOem USB Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08FC) /*Configure the PcOem USB settings.*/, flags = 0x0004; goto 0x274E, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x001D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F6) /*Touchscreen Calibration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F6) /*Touchscreen Calibration*/; goto 0x2753, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x001E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0083) /*CPU Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0084) /*CPU Configuration Parameters*/; goto 0x2759, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x001F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x016F) /*PPM Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0170) /*PPM Configuration Parameters*/; goto 0x2775, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0020, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02B1) /*Thermal*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02B1) /*Thermal*/; goto 0x2774, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0021, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x028C) /*Android*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x028C) /*Android*/; goto 0x2786, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0022, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x050C) /*LAN Controller*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x050D) /*LAN Controller Settings*/; goto 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0023, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x054D) /*PCI Subsystem Settings*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x054D) /*PCI Subsystem Settings*/; goto 0x2788, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0024, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05A9) /*Network Stack Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05AA) /*Network Stack Settings*/; goto 0x27A2, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0025, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0678) /*USB Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0679) /*USB Configuration Parameters*/; goto 0x27A4, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0026, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06C9) /*Platform Trust Technology*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06CA) /*Platform Trust Technology*/; goto 0x27A5, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0027, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06CE) /*Security Configuration */, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06DA) /*Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology Configuration*/; goto 0x27A7, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0028, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06E2) /*System Component*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06E3) /*System Component settings*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqvallist 0x029C == 65535; goto 0x2712, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0029, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x029B == 65535; goto 0x2713, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x002A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x006D) /*Driver Health*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x006E) /*Provides Health Status for the Drivers/Controllers*/; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2713, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x006D) /*Driver Health*/; suppressif ideqvallist 0x029A == 65535; goto 0x2714, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x002B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x006E) /*Provides Health Status for the Drivers/Controllers*/; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2714, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x006D) /*Driver Health*/; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0299 == 65535; goto 0x2714, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x002C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x006E) /*Provides Health Status for the Drivers/Controllers*/; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2726, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x053A) /*ACPI Settings*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x053A) /*ACPI Settings*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; checkbox varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0029*/ questionid = 0x002D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0545) /*Enable ACPI Auto Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0546) /*Enables or Disables BIOS ACPI Auto Configuration.*/, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0001, endcheckbox; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x002D == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; checkbox varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x002D*/ questionid = 0x002E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0541) /*Enable Hibernation*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0542) /*Enables or Disables System ability to Hibernate (OS/S4 Sleep State). This option may be not effective with some OS.*/, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0001, endcheckbox; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x002A*/ questionid = 0x002F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x053C) /*ACPI Sleep State*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x053D) /*Select the highest ACPI sleep state the system will enter when the SUSPEND button is pressed.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0540) /*Suspend Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x053E) /*S1 (CPU Stop Clock)*/, value = 1, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x053F) /*S3 (Suspend to RAM)*/, value = 2, flags = 0x31; endoneof; checkbox varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x002C*/ questionid = 0x0030, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0543) /*Lock Legacy Resources*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0544) /*Enables or Disables Lock of Legacy Resources*/, flags = 0x0010, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0001, endcheckbox; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x274A, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08FB) /*PcOem USB Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08FB) /*PcOem USB Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00B3*/ questionid = 0x0031, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0903) /* Port 1 SuperSpeed USB*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08FD) /*Select whether the SuperSpeed USB to be "Enabled" or "Disabled". Please leave this item "Enabled" if your PC is OK.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00B6*/ questionid = 0x0032, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0906) /* Port 4 SuperSpeed USB*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0900) /*Select whether the SuperSpeed USB to be "Enabled" or "Disabled". Please leave this item "Enabled" if your PC is OK.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00B7*/ questionid = 0x0033, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0907) /* Port 5 SuperSpeed USB*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0901) /*Select whether the SuperSpeed USB to be "Enabled" or "Disabled". Please leave this item "Enabled" if your PC is OK.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00B8*/ questionid = 0x0034, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0908) /* Port 6 SuperSpeed USB*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0902) /*Select whether the SuperSpeed USB to be "Enabled" or "Disabled". Please leave this item "Enabled" if your PC is OK.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endform; form formid = 0x274E, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F6) /*Touchscreen Calibration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F6) /*Touchscreen Calibration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x0298 == 0; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00BB*/ questionid = 0x0035, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07FA) /*Point[ 0]->X*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07FA) /*Point[ 0]->X*/, maximum = 4095, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00BD*/ questionid = 0x0036, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07FB) /*Point[ 0]->Y*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07FB) /*Point[ 0]->Y*/, maximum = 4095, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x0298 == 0; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00BF*/ questionid = 0x0037, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07FC) /*Point[ 1]->X*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07FC) /*Point[ 1]->X*/, maximum = 4095, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00C1*/ questionid = 0x0038, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07FD) /*Point[ 1]->Y*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07FD) /*Point[ 1]->Y*/, maximum = 4095, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x0298 == 0; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00C3*/ questionid = 0x0039, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07FE) /*Point[ 2]->X*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07FE) /*Point[ 2]->X*/, maximum = 4095, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00C5*/ questionid = 0x003A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07FF) /*Point[ 2]->Y*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07FF) /*Point[ 2]->Y*/, maximum = 4095, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x0298 == 0; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00C7*/ questionid = 0x003B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0800) /*Point[ 3]->X*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0800) /*Point[ 3]->X*/, maximum = 4095, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00C9*/ questionid = 0x003C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0801) /*Point[ 3]->Y*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0801) /*Point[ 3]->Y*/, maximum = 4095, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2753, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0083) /*CPU Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0083) /*CPU Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x0297 == 0; goto 0x2754, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x003D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0085) /*Socket 0 CPU Information*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0089) /*Socket specific CPU Information*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0297 == 1; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x008A) /*CPU not present*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x008C) /*Socket 0*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x008B) /*Not Present*/; endif; goto 0x2758, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x003E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0168) /*CPU Thermal Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0169) /*CPU Thermal Configuration options*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00A4) /*Displays the Processor Frequency.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00A2) /*Processor Speed*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00A3) /*N/A*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00D5) /*Displays if 64-bit supported*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00D6) /*64-bit*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00D7) /*Supported*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x0296 == 0; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x008F) /*Unsupported installed CPU combination.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x008E) /*Mismatch CPU*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x008F) /*Unsupported installed CPU combination.*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0295 == 0 OR (NOT ideqval 0x0294 == 0); grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x010F*/ questionid = 0x003F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0127) /*Active Processor Cores*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0128) /*Number of cores to enable in each processor package.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0126) /*All*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011D) /*1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0295 == 0 OR (NOT ideqval 0x0294 == 2); grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0111*/ questionid = 0x0040, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0127) /*Active Processor Cores*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0128) /*Number of cores to enable in each processor package.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0126) /*All*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011D) /*1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011E) /*2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011F) /*3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0295 == 0 OR (NOT ideqval 0x0294 == 5); grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0114*/ questionid = 0x0041, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0127) /*Active Processor Cores*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0128) /*Number of cores to enable in each processor package.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0126) /*All*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011D) /*1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0295 == 0 OR (NOT ideqval 0x0294 == 3); grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0112*/ questionid = 0x0042, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0127) /*Active Processor Cores*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0128) /*Number of cores to enable in each processor package.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x5, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0126) /*All*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011D) /*1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011E) /*2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011F) /*3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0120) /*4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0121) /*5*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0295 == 0 OR (NOT ideqval 0x0294 == 1); grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0110*/ questionid = 0x0043, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0127) /*Active Processor Cores*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0128) /*Number of cores to enable in each processor package.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x8, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0126) /*All*/, value = 8, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011D) /*1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011E) /*2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011F) /*3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0120) /*4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0121) /*5*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0122) /*6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0123) /*7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0295 == 0 OR (NOT ideqval 0x0294 == 4); grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0113*/ questionid = 0x0044, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0127) /*Active Processor Cores*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0128) /*Number of cores to enable in each processor package.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x10, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0126) /*All*/, value = 10, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011D) /*1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011E) /*2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011F) /*3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0120) /*4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0121) /*5*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0122) /*6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0123) /*7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0124) /*8*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0125) /*9*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0295 == 0 OR (NOT ideqval 0x0294 == 6); grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0115*/ questionid = 0x0045, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0127) /*Active Processor Cores*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0128) /*Number of cores to enable in each processor package.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x6, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0126) /*All*/, value = 6, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011D) /*1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011E) /*2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0120) /*4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0295 == 0 OR (NOT ideqval 0x0294 == 7); grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0116*/ questionid = 0x0046, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0127) /*Active Processor Cores*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0128) /*Number of cores to enable in each processor package.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x8, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0126) /*All*/, value = 8, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011D) /*1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011E) /*2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0120) /*4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0122) /*6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0293 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0117*/ questionid = 0x0047, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x012B) /*Limit CPUID Maximum*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x012C) /*Disabled for Windows XP*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0167) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0166) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0292 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x010D*/ questionid = 0x0048, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0119) /*Execute-Disable Bit Capability*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x011A) /*When disabled, forces the Execute-Disable Bit Capability extended feature bit to always return 0.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0167) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0166) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x012B*/ questionid = 0x0049, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x016D) /*Bi-directional PROCHOT*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x016E) /*When a processor thermal sensor trips (either core), the PROCHOT# will be driven. If bi-direction is enabled, external agents can drive PROCHOT# to throttle the processor.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0167) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0166) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x0291 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x011C*/ questionid = 0x004A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0132) /*Hardware Prefetcher*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0133) /*Enable the Mid Level Cache (L2) streamer prefetcher.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0167) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0166) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0291 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x011D*/ questionid = 0x004B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0134) /*Adjacent Cache Line Prefetch*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0135) /*Enable the Mid Level Cache (L2) prefetching of adjacent cache lines.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0167) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0166) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0291 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0120*/ questionid = 0x004C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x013A) /*Data Reuse Optimization*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x013B) /*Data Reuse Performance Optimization*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0167) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0166) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0107*/ questionid = 0x004D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x013E) /*Power Technology*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x013F) /*Enable the power management features.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0140) /*Disable*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0141) /*Energy Efficient*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0142) /*Custom*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif (NOT ideqval 0x004D == 2) OR ideqval 0x0287 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0119*/ questionid = 0x004E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0145) /*EIST*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0146) /*Enable/Disable Intel SpeedStep*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0167) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0166) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif (NOT ideqval 0x004D == 2) OR ideqval 0x0290 == 0 OR ideqval 0x004E == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00FB*/ questionid = 0x004F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0129) /*Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology 2.0*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x012A) /*Select whether the Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0167) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0166) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; suppressif (NOT ideqval 0x004D == 2) OR ideqval 0x028F == 0 OR ideqval 0x004E == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x011A*/ questionid = 0x0050, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0147) /*Performance/Watt*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0148) /*Optimized - Turbo Boost engages after higest performance state is sustained for more than 2 seconds. Traditional Intel Turbo Boost Technology is engaged immediately when possible.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0149) /*Traditional*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x014A) /*Power Optimized*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif (NOT ideqval 0x004D == 2) OR ideqval 0x0287 == 0 OR ideqval 0x004E == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0121*/ questionid = 0x0051, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x015C) /*P-STATE Coordination*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x015D) /*Change P-STATE Coordination type*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x254, minimum = 0x252, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x015E) /*HW_ALL*/, value = 254, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x015F) /*SW_ALL*/, value = 252, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0160) /*SW_ANY*/, value = 253, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif (NOT ideqval 0x004D == 2) OR ideqval 0x028E == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x010B*/ questionid = 0x0052, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x015A) /*Interrupt Filtering*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x015B) /*When enabled, only the core that is the destination of an interrupt while in C3/C6 will be notified to transition to C0. When disabled, all cores be notified to transition to C0, regardless of destination.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0167) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0166) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; suppressif (NOT ideqval 0x004D == 2) OR ideqval 0x028D == 0 OR ideqval 0x028A == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x010C*/ questionid = 0x0053, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x014B) /*Package C State limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x014C) /*Package C State limit*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x7, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x014E) /*C1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0150) /*C3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0151) /*C6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0152) /*C7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif (NOT ideqval 0x004D == 2) OR ideqval 0x028D == 0 OR ideqval 0x028A == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x010C*/ questionid = 0x0054, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x014B) /*Package C State limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x014C) /*Package C State limit*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x255, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x014D) /*C0*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x014F) /*C2*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0151) /*C6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0152) /*C7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0153) /*No Limit*/, value = 255, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x028C == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0122*/ questionid = 0x0055, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0161) /*Local APIC Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0162) /*Select Local APIC mode. If Auto, use x2APIC if required, otherwise, xAPIC mode. xAPIC will disable CPUs with APIC IDs greater than 254. Some OSes don't support x2APIC mode.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0163) /*Auto*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0164) /*x2APIC*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0165) /*xAPIC*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x028B == 0 OR ideqval 0x004E == 0 OR ideqval 0x004F == 0 OR ideqval 0x028A == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00E9) /*Factory Turbo Mode Current Limit in Amps.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00E8) /*Factory TDC Limit*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00EA) /**/; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00FD*/ questionid = 0x0056, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00EB) /*TDC Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00EC) /*Turbo-XE Mode Processor TDC Limit in Amps. 0 means using the factory-configured value.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00EE) /*Factory Turbo Mode Power Limit in Watts.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00ED) /*Factory TDP Limit*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00EF) /**/; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00FC*/ questionid = 0x0057, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00F0) /*TDP Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00F1) /*Turbo-XE Mode Processor TDP Limit in Watts. 0 means using the factory-configured value.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x028B == 0 OR ideqval 0x004E == 0 OR ideqval 0x004F == 0 OR ideqval 0x028A == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00F2) /*Factory turbo Mode Power limit in Watts.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00F3) /*Factory long duration power limit*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00F4) /**/; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0124*/ questionid = 0x0058, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00F5) /*Long duration power limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00F6) /*Long duration power limit in Watts.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00F7) /*Time window which the long duration power is maintained.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00F8) /*Factory long duration maintained*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00F9) /**/; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0128*/ questionid = 0x0059, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00FA) /*Long duration maintained*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00FB) /*Time window which the long duration power is maintained.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 32000, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00FC) /*Factory turbo mode power limit in Watts.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00FD) /*Recommended short duration power limit*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00FE) /*1.25 * Long Duration*/; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0126*/ questionid = 0x005A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00FF) /*Short duration power limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0100) /*Short duration power limit in Watts*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0289 == 0 OR ideqval 0x004E == 0 OR ideqval 0x004F == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0102) /*Base Frequency*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0101) /*Base Frequency*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0103) /*133 MHz*/; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00FE*/ questionid = 0x005B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0104) /*1-Core Ratio Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0105) /*This limit is for 1 core active. 0 means using the factory-configured value.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00FF*/ questionid = 0x005C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0106) /*2-Core Ratio Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0107) /*This limit is for 2 cores active. 0 means using the factory-configured value.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0100*/ questionid = 0x005D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0108) /*3-Core Ratio Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0109) /*This limit is for 3 cores active. 0 means using the factory-configured value.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0101*/ questionid = 0x005E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x010A) /*4-Core Ratio Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x010B) /*This limit is for 4 cores active. 0 means using the factory-configured value.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0289 == 0 OR ideqval 0x004E == 0 OR ideqval 0x004F == 0 OR ideqval 0x0288 == 4; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0102*/ questionid = 0x005F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x010C) /*5-Core Ratio Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x010D) /*This limit is for 5 cores active. 0 means using the factory-configured value.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0103*/ questionid = 0x0060, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x010E) /*6-Core Ratio Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x010F) /*This limit is for 6 cores active. 0 means using the factory-configured value.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0289 == 0 OR ideqval 0x004E == 0 OR ideqval 0x004F == 0 OR ideqval 0x0288 == 4 OR ideqval 0x0288 == 6; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0104*/ questionid = 0x0061, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0110) /*7-Core Ratio Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0111) /*This limit is for 7 cores active. 0 means using the factory-configured value.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0105*/ questionid = 0x0062, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0112) /*8-Core Ratio Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0113) /*This limit is for 8 cores active. 0 means using the factory-configured value.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2754, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0085) /*Socket 0 CPU Information*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0085) /*Socket 0 CPU Information*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0092) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00DF) /*Displays CPU Signature*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00DE) /*CPU Signature*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00E0) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00D9) /*CPU Microcode Patch Revision*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00D8) /*Microcode Patch*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00DA) /*Not loaded*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0097) /*Displays the Max CPU Speed*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0096) /*Max CPU Speed*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0098) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x009D) /*Displays the Max CPU Speed*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x009C) /*Min CPU Speed*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x009E) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00BE) /*Displays number of cores.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00BD) /*Processor Cores*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00BF) /*0*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00C4) /*When Hyper-threading is enabled, 2 logical CPUS per core is present.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00C3) /*Intel HT Technology*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00C5) /*Not Supported*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00CA) /*CPU VMX hardware support for virtual machines.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00C9) /*Intel VT-x Technology*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00CB) /*Not Supported*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00A6) /*L1 Data Cache Size*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00A5) /*L1 Data Cache*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00A7) /*Not Present*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00AC) /*L1 Code Cache Size*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00AB) /*L1 Code Cache*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00AD) /*Not Present*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00B2) /*L2 Cache Size*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00B1) /*L2 Cache*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00B3) /*Not Present*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00B8) /*L3 Cache Size*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00B7) /*L3 Cache*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x00B9) /*Not Present*/; endform; form formid = 0x2758, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x016A) /*Cpu Thermal Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x016A) /*Cpu Thermal Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x012A*/ questionid = 0x0063, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x016B) /*DTS*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x016C) /*Enabled/Disable Digital Thermal Sensor.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endform; form formid = 0x2759, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x016F) /*PPM Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x016F) /*PPM Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0287 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0119*/ questionid = 0x0064, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0171) /*EIST*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0172) /*Enable/Disable Intel SpeedStep*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0167) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0166) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x012C*/ questionid = 0x0065, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0173) /*CPU C state Report*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0174) /*Enable/Disable CPU C state report to OS*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x017A) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0179) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0065 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0133*/ questionid = 0x0066, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0177) /*Max CPU C-state*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0178) /*This option controls Max C state that the processor will support*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x7, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x017D) /* C7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x017C) /* C6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x017B) /* C1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0134*/ questionid = 0x0067, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x017E) /*S0ix*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x017F) /*Enable/Disable CPU S0ix state*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x017A) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0179) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2774, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x028C) /*Android*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x028C) /*Android*/; suppressif ideqval 0x024A == 1; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x017B*/ questionid = 0x0068, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A8) /*IA_APPS_RUN*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A9) /*Voltage in mV*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 4000, minimum = 3000, step = 0x100, default = 3400, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 3400, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; endif; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x024A == 1; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01E8*/ questionid = 0x0069, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A8) /*IA_APPS_RUN*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A9) /*Voltage in mV*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 4000, minimum = 3000, step = 0x100, default = 3400, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 3500, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; endif; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x017D*/ questionid = 0x006A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03AA) /*IA_APPS_CAP*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03AB) /*Percentage*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 99, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x017E*/ questionid = 0x006B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03AC) /*USE IA_APPS_RUN or CAP*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03AD) /*Use Voltage or Capacity to decide boot flow*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A8) /*IA_APPS_RUN*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03AA) /*IA_APPS_CAP*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x017F*/ questionid = 0x006C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03AE) /*Boot on invalid battery*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03AF) /*Allow to boot from invalid battery*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01A0*/ questionid = 0x006D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x028D) /*Modem Selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x028E) /*Modem Selection*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x028F) /*7360_ES1XX_SSIC*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0290) /*7262_ES2XX_HSIC*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0291) /*7262_ES2XX_SSIC*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0292) /*7160*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0293) /*7260*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0294) /*Silent Lake Feature Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01E1*/ questionid = 0x275A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0295) /*Silent Lake*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0296) /*Enable Silent Lake feature for Android*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x275A == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01E2*/ questionid = 0x006E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0297) /*Silent Lake Memory Setting*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0298) /*Select Silent Lake Memory size used by VMM*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x128, minimum = 0x4, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0299) /*4M*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x029A) /*8M*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x029B) /*16M*/, value = 16, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x029C) /*32M*/, value = 32, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x029D) /*64M*/, value = 64, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x029E) /*128M*/, value = 128, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01E3*/ questionid = 0x006F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x029F) /*Fingerprint Sensor*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02A0) /*Enable Fingerprint Sensor for Android*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x275A == 0 OR ideqval 0x0286 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01E4*/ questionid = 0x0070, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02A1) /*Fingerprint Sensor Memory Setting*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02A2) /*Select Fingerprint Sensor Memory size used by VMM*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x256, minimum = 0x128, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02A3) /*128K*/, value = 128, flags = 0x31; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02A4) /*256K*/, value = 256, flags = 0x01; endoneof; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2775, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02B1) /*Thermal*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02B1) /*Thermal*/; goto 0x2776, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0071, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02AD) /*Thermal Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02AE) /*Thermal Configuration Parameters*/; goto 0x2777, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0072, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0371) /*Thermal Failsafe Settings*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0372) /*Thermal Failsafe Settings*/; endform; form formid = 0x2776, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02AD) /*Thermal Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02B2) /*Thermal Configuration Parameters*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02D5) /*Dynamic Platform&Thermal Framework*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x015C*/ questionid = 0x0073, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02D6) /*DPTF*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02D7) /*Enable/Disable DPTF*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x0073 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0178*/ questionid = 0x0074, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x032C) /*Intel® DPTF Processor Participant*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x032D) /*Enable/Disable Processor Participant Device*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0157*/ questionid = 0x0075, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02B3) /*Critical Trip Point*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02B4) /*This value controls the temperature of the ACPI critical Trip Point in which the OS will shut the system off. NOTE: 100C is the Plan Of Record (POR) for all Intel mobile processors.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x90, minimum = 0x15, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02C2) /*90 C*/, value = 90, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02C0) /*87 C*/, value = 87, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02C1) /*85 C*/, value = 85, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02BF) /*79 C*/, value = 79, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02BE) /*71 C*/, value = 71, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02BD) /*63 C*/, value = 63, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02BC) /*55 C*/, value = 55, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02BB) /*47 C*/, value = 47, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02BA) /*39 C*/, value = 39, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02B9) /*31 C*/, value = 31, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02B8) /*23 C*/, value = 23, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02B7) /*15 C*/, value = 15, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0158*/ questionid = 0x0076, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02B5) /*Passive Trip Point*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02B6) /*This value controls the temperature of the ACPI critical Trip Point - the point in which the OS will begin throtting the processor.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x90, minimum = 0x15, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02C3) /*90 C*/, value = 90, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02CD) /*87 C*/, value = 87, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02CE) /*85 C*/, value = 85, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02CC) /*79 C*/, value = 79, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02CB) /*71 C*/, value = 71, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02CA) /*63 C*/, value = 63, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02C9) /*55 C*/, value = 55, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02C8) /*47 C*/, value = 47, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02C7) /*39 C*/, value = 39, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02C6) /*31 C*/, value = 31, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02C5) /*23 C*/, value = 23, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02C4) /*15 C*/, value = 15, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x032E) /*Intel® DPTF Skin Hotspot Proxy Sensor Participant*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0170*/ questionid = 0x0077, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0333) /*Intel® DPTF Skin Hotspot Proxy Thermistor Participant*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0334) /*Enable/Disable Intel® DPTF Skin Hotspot Proxy Thermistor Participant*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x015D*/ questionid = 0x0078, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02D8) /*Critical*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02D9) /*Critical temperature*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x125, minimum = 0x25, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0303) /*125 C*/, value = 125, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0302) /*120 C*/, value = 120, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0301) /*115 C*/, value = 115, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0300) /*110 C*/, value = 110, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FF) /*105 C*/, value = 105, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FE) /*100 C*/, value = 100, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FD) /*95 C*/, value = 95, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FC) /*90 C*/, value = 90, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FB) /*85 C*/, value = 85, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FA) /*80 C*/, value = 80, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F9) /*75 C*/, value = 75, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F8) /*70 C*/, value = 70, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F7) /*65 C*/, value = 65, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F5) /*60 C*/, value = 60, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F2) /*55 C*/, value = 55, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F1) /*50 C*/, value = 50, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F0) /*45 C*/, value = 45, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EF) /*40 C*/, value = 40, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EE) /*35 C*/, value = 35, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02ED) /*30 C*/, value = 30, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EC) /*25 C*/, value = 25, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0162*/ questionid = 0x0079, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02E2) /*Passive*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02E3) /*Passive temperature*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x125, minimum = 0x25, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0303) /*125 C*/, value = 125, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0302) /*120 C*/, value = 120, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0301) /*115 C*/, value = 115, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0300) /*110 C*/, value = 110, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FF) /*105 C*/, value = 105, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FE) /*100 C*/, value = 100, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FD) /*95 C*/, value = 95, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FC) /*90 C*/, value = 90, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FB) /*85 C*/, value = 85, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FA) /*80 C*/, value = 80, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F9) /*75 C*/, value = 75, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F8) /*70 C*/, value = 70, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F7) /*65 C*/, value = 65, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F5) /*60 C*/, value = 60, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F4) /*57 C*/, value = 57, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F2) /*55 C*/, value = 55, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F1) /*50 C*/, value = 50, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F0) /*45 C*/, value = 45, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EF) /*40 C*/, value = 40, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EE) /*35 C*/, value = 35, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02ED) /*30 C*/, value = 30, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EC) /*25 C*/, value = 25, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x032F) /*Intel® DPTF Ambient Estimation Participant*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0171*/ questionid = 0x007A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0335) /*Intel® DPTF Ambient Estimation Participant*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0336) /*Enable/Disable Intel® DPTF Ambient Estimation Participant*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x015E*/ questionid = 0x007B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02DA) /*Critical*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02DB) /*Critical temperature*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x125, minimum = 0x25, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0303) /*125 C*/, value = 125, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0302) /*120 C*/, value = 120, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0301) /*115 C*/, value = 115, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0300) /*110 C*/, value = 110, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FF) /*105 C*/, value = 105, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FE) /*100 C*/, value = 100, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FD) /*95 C*/, value = 95, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FC) /*90 C*/, value = 90, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FB) /*85 C*/, value = 85, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FA) /*80 C*/, value = 80, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F9) /*75 C*/, value = 75, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F8) /*70 C*/, value = 70, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F7) /*65 C*/, value = 65, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F5) /*60 C*/, value = 60, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F2) /*55 C*/, value = 55, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F1) /*50 C*/, value = 50, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F0) /*45 C*/, value = 45, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EF) /*40 C*/, value = 40, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EE) /*35 C*/, value = 35, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02ED) /*30 C*/, value = 30, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EC) /*25 C*/, value = 25, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0163*/ questionid = 0x007C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02E4) /*Passive*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02E5) /*Passive temperature*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x125, minimum = 0x25, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0303) /*125 C*/, value = 125, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0302) /*120 C*/, value = 120, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0301) /*115 C*/, value = 115, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0300) /*110 C*/, value = 110, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FF) /*105 C*/, value = 105, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FE) /*100 C*/, value = 100, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FD) /*95 C*/, value = 95, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FC) /*90 C*/, value = 90, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FB) /*85 C*/, value = 85, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FA) /*80 C*/, value = 80, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F9) /*75 C*/, value = 75, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F8) /*70 C*/, value = 70, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F7) /*65 C*/, value = 65, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F5) /*60 C*/, value = 60, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F2) /*55 C*/, value = 55, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F3) /*52 C*/, value = 52, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F1) /*50 C*/, value = 50, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F0) /*45 C*/, value = 45, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EF) /*40 C*/, value = 40, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EE) /*35 C*/, value = 35, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02ED) /*30 C*/, value = 30, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EC) /*25 C*/, value = 25, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0330) /*Intel® DPTF Charger-Display Sensor Participant*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0172*/ questionid = 0x007D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0337) /*Intel® DPTF Charger-display Thermistor Participant*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0338) /*Enable/Disable Intel® DPTF Charger-display Thermistor Participant*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x015F*/ questionid = 0x007E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02DC) /*Critical*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02DD) /*Critical temperature*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x125, minimum = 0x25, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0303) /*125 C*/, value = 125, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0302) /*120 C*/, value = 120, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0301) /*115 C*/, value = 115, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0300) /*110 C*/, value = 110, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FF) /*105 C*/, value = 105, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FE) /*100 C*/, value = 100, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FD) /*95 C*/, value = 95, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FC) /*90 C*/, value = 90, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FB) /*85 C*/, value = 85, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FA) /*80 C*/, value = 80, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F9) /*75 C*/, value = 75, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F8) /*70 C*/, value = 70, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F7) /*65 C*/, value = 65, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F5) /*60 C*/, value = 60, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F2) /*55 C*/, value = 55, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F1) /*50 C*/, value = 50, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F0) /*45 C*/, value = 45, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EF) /*40 C*/, value = 40, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EE) /*35 C*/, value = 35, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02ED) /*30 C*/, value = 30, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EC) /*25 C*/, value = 25, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0164*/ questionid = 0x007F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02E6) /*Passive*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02E7) /*Passive temperature*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x125, minimum = 0x25, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0303) /*125 C*/, value = 125, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0302) /*120 C*/, value = 120, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0301) /*115 C*/, value = 115, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0300) /*110 C*/, value = 110, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FF) /*105 C*/, value = 105, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FE) /*100 C*/, value = 100, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FD) /*95 C*/, value = 95, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FC) /*90 C*/, value = 90, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FB) /*85 C*/, value = 85, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FA) /*80 C*/, value = 80, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F9) /*75 C*/, value = 75, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F8) /*70 C*/, value = 70, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F7) /*65 C*/, value = 65, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F5) /*60 C*/, value = 60, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F2) /*55 C*/, value = 55, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F3) /*52 C*/, value = 52, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F1) /*50 C*/, value = 50, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F0) /*45 C*/, value = 45, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EF) /*40 C*/, value = 40, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EE) /*35 C*/, value = 35, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02ED) /*30 C*/, value = 30, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EC) /*25 C*/, value = 25, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0331) /*Intel® DPTF Charger Board Sensor Participant*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0173*/ questionid = 0x0080, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0339) /*Charger Board Sensor*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x033A) /*Enable/Disable Charger Board Sensor*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0160*/ questionid = 0x0081, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02DE) /*Critical*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02DF) /*Critical temperature*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x125, minimum = 0x25, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0303) /*125 C*/, value = 125, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0302) /*120 C*/, value = 120, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0301) /*115 C*/, value = 115, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0300) /*110 C*/, value = 110, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FF) /*105 C*/, value = 105, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FE) /*100 C*/, value = 100, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FD) /*95 C*/, value = 95, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FC) /*90 C*/, value = 90, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FB) /*85 C*/, value = 85, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FA) /*80 C*/, value = 80, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F9) /*75 C*/, value = 75, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F8) /*70 C*/, value = 70, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F7) /*65 C*/, value = 65, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F5) /*60 C*/, value = 60, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F2) /*55 C*/, value = 55, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F1) /*50 C*/, value = 50, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F0) /*45 C*/, value = 45, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EF) /*40 C*/, value = 40, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EE) /*35 C*/, value = 35, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02ED) /*30 C*/, value = 30, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EC) /*25 C*/, value = 25, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0165*/ questionid = 0x0082, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02E8) /*Passive*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02E9) /*Passive temperature*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x125, minimum = 0x25, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0303) /*125 C*/, value = 125, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0302) /*120 C*/, value = 120, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0301) /*115 C*/, value = 115, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0300) /*110 C*/, value = 110, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FF) /*105 C*/, value = 105, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FE) /*100 C*/, value = 100, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FD) /*95 C*/, value = 95, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FC) /*90 C*/, value = 90, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FB) /*85 C*/, value = 85, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02FA) /*80 C*/, value = 80, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F9) /*75 C*/, value = 75, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F8) /*70 C*/, value = 70, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F7) /*65 C*/, value = 65, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F6) /*61 C*/, value = 61, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F5) /*60 C*/, value = 60, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F2) /*55 C*/, value = 55, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F1) /*50 C*/, value = 50, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02F0) /*45 C*/, value = 45, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EF) /*40 C*/, value = 40, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EE) /*35 C*/, value = 35, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02ED) /*30 C*/, value = 30, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02EC) /*25 C*/, value = 25, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x033D) /*Intel® DPTF Charger Participant*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0175*/ questionid = 0x0083, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x033D) /*Intel® DPTF Charger Participant*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x033E) /*Enable/Disable Charger Participant Device*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x033F) /*Intel® DPTF Display Participant*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0176*/ questionid = 0x0084, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x033F) /*Intel® DPTF Display Participant*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0340) /*Enable/Disable Display Participant Devic*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01A9*/ questionid = 0x0085, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0384) /*Display High Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0385) /*Display High Limit - Between 0% to 100%*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 100, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 100, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01AA*/ questionid = 0x0086, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0386) /*Display Low Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0386) /*Display Low Limit*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 100, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 40, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; suppressif ideqval 0x024A == 1; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0341) /*Intel® DPTF Power Participant*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0177*/ questionid = 0x0087, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0341) /*Intel® DPTF Power Participant*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0342) /*Enable/Disable SOC Participant Devic*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0332) /*Intel® Ambient Temperature Participant*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0174*/ questionid = 0x0088, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x033B) /*Intel® Ambient Temperature Participant*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x033C) /*Enable/Disable Intel® Ambient Temperature Participant*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0198*/ questionid = 0x0089, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0398) /*Ambient Constant Sign for 0*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A0) /*Ambient Constant Sign : 1 = -ve or 0 = +ve*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039E) /*-*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039F) /*+*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x018A*/ questionid = 0x008A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0387) /*Ambient Constant 0*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0388) /*Ambient Constant 0*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 30, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 30, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0199*/ questionid = 0x008B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0399) /*Ambient Constant Sign for 1*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A0) /*Ambient Constant Sign : 1 = -ve or 0 = +ve*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039E) /*-*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039F) /*+*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x018B*/ questionid = 0x008C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0389) /*Ambient Constant 1*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x038A) /*Ambient Constant 1*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 30, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 30, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x019A*/ questionid = 0x008D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039A) /*Ambient Constant Sign for 2*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A0) /*Ambient Constant Sign : 1 = -ve or 0 = +ve*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039E) /*-*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039F) /*+*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x018C*/ questionid = 0x008E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x038B) /*Ambient Constant 2*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x038C) /*Ambient Constant 2*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 30, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 30, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x019B*/ questionid = 0x008F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039B) /*Ambient Constant Sign for 3*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A0) /*Ambient Constant Sign : 1 = -ve or 0 = +ve*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039E) /*-*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039F) /*+*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x018D*/ questionid = 0x0090, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x038D) /*Ambient Constant 3*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x038E) /*Ambient Constant 3*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x019C*/ questionid = 0x0091, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039C) /*Ambient Constant Sign for 4*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A0) /*Ambient Constant Sign : 1 = -ve or 0 = +ve*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039E) /*-*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039F) /*+*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x018E*/ questionid = 0x0092, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x038F) /*Ambient Constant 4*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0390) /*Ambient Constant 4*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x019D*/ questionid = 0x0093, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039D) /*Ambient Constant Sign for 5*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A0) /*Ambient Constant Sign : 1 = -ve or 0 = +ve*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039E) /*-*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x039F) /*+*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x018F*/ questionid = 0x0094, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0391) /*Ambient Constant 5*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0392) /*Ambient Constant 5*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x024A == 1; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0304) /*Ambient based Trip Point Change*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0167*/ questionid = 0x0095, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0304) /*Ambient based Trip Point Change*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0305) /*This controls the Action part of the Ambient participant. When disabled, trip points would not be changed when Ambient participant notifies the FW of a new ambient temperature via _ATI.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0393) /*Allow High Performance*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01E7*/ questionid = 0x0096, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0393) /*Allow High Performance*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0394) /*This option turns High Performance mode On/Off, when On Cooling Mode Policy wont take effect*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x016E*/ questionid = 0x0097, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0326) /*Intel® Dynamic Power Performance Management*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0327) /*Controls Intel® DPPM policies*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0169*/ questionid = 0x0098, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x030A) /*Current Logical Processor*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x030B) /*Controls LPO control preferences. Used only by Passice policy*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x016A*/ questionid = 0x0099, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x030D) /*Start P-State*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x030E) /*Instructs the policy when to initiate Active Core control if enabled*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x12, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x031B) /*P12*/, value = 12, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x031A) /*P11*/, value = 11, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0319) /*P10*/, value = 10, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0318) /*P9*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0317) /*P8*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0316) /*P7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0315) /*P6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0314) /*P5*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0313) /*P4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0312) /*P3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0311) /*P2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0310) /*P1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x030F) /*P0*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x016B*/ questionid = 0x009A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x031C) /*Step size*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x031D) /*Instructs the policy to take away logical processors in the specified percentage steps.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x75, minimum = 0x25, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0320) /*75%*/, value = 75, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x031F) /*50%*/, value = 50, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x031E) /*25%*/, value = 25, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x016F*/ questionid = 0x009B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0328) /*CLPM*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0329) /*Current Low Power Mode*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x032B) /*OS level*/, value = 3, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x032A) /*Application specific*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x024A == 1; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0168*/ questionid = 0x009C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0308) /*Super Debug*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0309) /*Super debug is for validation purpose*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0346) /*WWAN Participant*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01A6*/ questionid = 0x009D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0347) /*Enable/Disable WWAN Participant Device*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0348) /*Enable/Disable WWAN Participant Device*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; grayoutif ideqval 0x009D == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01A7*/ questionid = 0x009E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0349) /*WWAN Device Critical Trip*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x034A) /*WWAN Device Critical Trip*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x125, minimum = 0x25, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x034D) /*25 C*/, value = 25, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x034E) /*35 C*/, value = 35, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x034F) /*40 C*/, value = 40, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0350) /*45 C*/, value = 45, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0351) /*50 C*/, value = 50, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0352) /*55 C*/, value = 55, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0353) /*60 C*/, value = 60, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0354) /*65 C*/, value = 65, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0355) /*70 C*/, value = 70, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0356) /*75 C*/, value = 75, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0357) /*80 C*/, value = 80, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0358) /*85 C*/, value = 85, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0359) /*90 C*/, value = 90, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x035A) /*95 C*/, value = 95, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x035B) /*100 C*/, value = 100, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x035C) /*105 C*/, value = 105, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x035D) /*110 C*/, value = 110, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x035E) /*115 C*/, value = 115, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x035F) /*120 C*/, value = 120, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0360) /*125 C*/, value = 125, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01A8*/ questionid = 0x009F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x034B) /*WWAN Device Passive Trip*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x034C) /*WWAN Device Passive Trip*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x125, minimum = 0x25, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x034D) /*25 C*/, value = 25, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x034E) /*35 C*/, value = 35, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x034F) /*40 C*/, value = 40, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0350) /*45 C*/, value = 45, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0351) /*50 C*/, value = 50, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0352) /*55 C*/, value = 55, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0353) /*60 C*/, value = 60, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0354) /*65 C*/, value = 65, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0355) /*70 C*/, value = 70, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0356) /*75 C*/, value = 75, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0357) /*80 C*/, value = 80, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0358) /*85 C*/, value = 85, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0359) /*90 C*/, value = 90, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x035A) /*95 C*/, value = 95, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x035B) /*100 C*/, value = 100, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x035C) /*105 C*/, value = 105, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x035D) /*110 C*/, value = 110, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x035E) /*115 C*/, value = 115, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x035F) /*120 C*/, value = 120, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0360) /*125 C*/, value = 125, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01AD) /*Thermal Sampling Period for STR2*/; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x019E*/ questionid = 0x00A0, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01AE) /*Sampling Period Value*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01AF) /*TSP Value based on ACPI Spec*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 20000, minimum = 10, step = 0x1, default = 300, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 300, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0343) /*Memory Participant*/; endform; form formid = 0x2777, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0371) /*Thermal Failsafe Settings*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0371) /*Thermal Failsafe Settings*/; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01A1*/ questionid = 0x00A1, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02A5) /*BatteryId DBI Base*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02A6) /*Resistance in KOhms*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 250, minimum = 200, step = 0x10, default = 240, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 240, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01A2*/ questionid = 0x00A2, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02A7) /*BatteryId Analog Base*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02A8) /*Resistance in KOhms*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 25, minimum = 15, step = 0x1, default = 19, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 19, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01A3*/ questionid = 0x00A3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02A9) /*VBattery Threshold*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02AA) /*Voltage in mV for CPU Frequence Limit*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 4000, minimum = 3000, step = 0x100, default = 3700, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 3700, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01A5*/ questionid = 0x00A4, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02AB) /*CAP_Freq_Index*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x02AC) /*Index into CPU Frequency Table*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 6, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 4, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 4, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0180*/ questionid = 0x00A5, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0373) /*PROCHOT# input*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0374) /*If enabled, PROCHOT# pin serves as bidirectional signal, enabling an external device to force throttling by asserting the PROCHOT# pin. When not driven by an external device, the PROCHOT# output will be asserted if a HOT condition exists in the CPU.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0181*/ questionid = 0x00A6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0377) /*Thermal Throttling Mechanism*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0378) /*Thermal throttling mechanisms are implemented to try to reduce temperature by reducing power consumption in response to a HOT condition or a skin temperature violation.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0379) /*Stop-Clock Throttling (TM1)*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x037A) /*TM2 LFM Throttling*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x037B) /*TM2 Adaptive Throttling*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x037C) /*SoC AUX3 Threshold*/; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0182*/ questionid = 0x00A7, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0375) /*HOT (TJ_TARGET) Offset*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0376) /*Threshold specified as an offset below TJMAX. The threshold will be (TJMAX - TJ_TARGET Offset). Actions: 1.TM1/TM2 throttling 2.PROCHOT# pin assertion if enabled*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 63, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 3, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 3, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x037D) /*Platform AUX3 Thresholds*/; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0183*/ questionid = 0x00A8, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x037E) /*Systherm 0 (Skin Hotspot Proxy Sensor)*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x037F) /*Systherm 0 (Skin Hotspot Proxy Sensor) Aux3 threshold*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 150, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 110, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 110, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0184*/ questionid = 0x00A9, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0380) /*Systherm 1 (Ambient Estimation Sensor)*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0381) /*Systherm 1 (Ambient Estimation Sensor) Aux3 threshold*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 150, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 110, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 110, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0185*/ questionid = 0x00AA, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0382) /*Systherm 2 (Charger-Display Sensor)*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0383) /*Systherm 2 (Charger-Display Sensor) Aux3 threshold*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 150, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 110, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 110, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0395) /*Platform Critical Thermal Event*/; endform; form formid = 0x2786, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x050C) /*LAN Controller*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x050B) /*LAN Configuration*/; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x022B == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01F0*/ questionid = 0x00AB, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x050E) /*LAN Controller*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x050F) /*Enable or disable onboard NIC.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2788, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05A9) /*Network Stack Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x001B, questionid = 0x00AC, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05A7) /*Network Stack*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05A8) /*Enable/Disable UEFI Network Stack*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0001, endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x00AC == 0; oneof varid = 0x001B, /*varoffset = 0x0001*/ questionid = 0x00AD, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05AB) /*Ipv4 PXE Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05AC) /*Enable Ipv4 PXE Boot Support. If disabled IPV4 PXE boot option will not be created*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0001, endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00AC == 0; oneof varid = 0x001B, /*varoffset = 0x0002*/ questionid = 0x00AE, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05AD) /*Ipv6 PXE Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05AE) /*Enable Ipv6 PXE Boot Support. If disabled IPV6 PXE boot option will not be created*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0001, endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00AC == 0; numeric varid = 0x001B, /*varoffset = 0x0004*/ questionid = 0x00AF, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05B1) /*PXE boot wait time*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05B2) /*Wait time to press ESC key to abort the PXE boot*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 5, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00AC == 0; numeric varid = 0x001B, /*varoffset = 0x0005*/ questionid = 0x00B0, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05B3) /*Media detect count*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05B4) /*Number of times presence of media will be checked*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 50, minimum = 1, step = 0x1, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; endif; endform; form formid = 0x27A2, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0678) /*USB Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0678) /*USB Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06C4) /*USB Module Version*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06C3) /*00.00*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0681) /*USB Controllers:*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0000) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0682) /*N/A*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0683) /*USB Devices:*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0000) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0684) /*N/A*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqid 0x00B1 == 0x00B1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, questionid = 0x00B1, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067A) /*USB Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067B) /*USB Support Parameters*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067F) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067E) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif FALSE; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; endif; endif; suppressif FALSE; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x001A*/ questionid = 0x00B2, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067C) /*XHCI Legacy Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067D) /*Enable/Disable XHCI Controller Legacy support.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067E) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067F) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0282 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x001B*/ questionid = 0x00B3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0688) /*XHCI Hand-off*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0689) /*This is a workaround for OSes without XHCI hand-off support. The XHCI ownership change should be claimed by XHCI driver.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067E) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067F) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0001, endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0283 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0002*/ questionid = 0x00B4, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x068A) /*EHCI Hand-off*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x068B) /*This is a workaround for OSes without EHCI hand-off support. The EHCI ownership change should be claimed by EHCI driver.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067F) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067E) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR (((ideqval 0x0285 == 0 AND ideqval 0x0284 == 0) AND ideqval 0x0283 == 0) AND ideqval 0x0282 == 0); oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x001F*/ questionid = 0x00B5, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06C1) /*USB Mass Storage Driver Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06C2) /*Enable/Disable USB Mass Storage Driver Support.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067F) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x067E) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0694) /*USB hardware delays and time-outs:*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0000) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR (((ideqval 0x0285 == 0 AND ideqval 0x0284 == 0) AND ideqval 0x0283 == 0) AND ideqval 0x0282 == 0); oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0009*/ questionid = 0x00B6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0697) /*USB transfer time-out*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0698) /*The time-out value for Control, Bulk, and Interrupt transfers.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x20, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x069E) /*1 sec*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x069F) /*5 sec*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06A0) /*10 sec*/, value = 10, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06A1) /*20 sec*/, value = 20, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR (((ideqval 0x0285 == 0 AND ideqval 0x0284 == 0) AND ideqval 0x0283 == 0) AND ideqval 0x0282 == 0); oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0008*/ questionid = 0x00B7, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0695) /*Device reset time-out*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0696) /*USB mass storage device Start Unit command time-out.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06A0) /*10 sec*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06A1) /*20 sec*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06A2) /*30 sec*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06A3) /*40 sec*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR (((ideqval 0x0285 == 0 AND ideqval 0x0284 == 0) AND ideqval 0x0283 == 0) AND ideqval 0x0282 == 0); oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x001C*/ questionid = 0x00B8, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0699) /*Device power-up delay*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x069A) /*Maximum time the device will take before it properly reports itself to the Host Controller. 'Auto' uses default value: for a Root port it is 100 ms, for a Hub port the delay is taken from Hub descriptor.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x069B) /*Manual*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B8 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR (((ideqval 0x0285 == 0 AND ideqval 0x0284 == 0) AND ideqval 0x0283 == 0) AND ideqval 0x0282 == 0); numeric varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x001D*/ questionid = 0x00B9, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x069C) /*Device power-up delay in seconds*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x069D) /*Delay range is 1..40 seconds, in one second increments*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 40, minimum = 1, step = 0x1, default = 5, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 5, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0281 == 0; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B4) /*Mass Storage Devices:*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0000) /**/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0280 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x000A*/ questionid = 0x00BA, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06A4) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x027F == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x000B*/ questionid = 0x00BB, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06A5) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x027E == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x000C*/ questionid = 0x00BC, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06A6) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x027D == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x000D*/ questionid = 0x00BD, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06A7) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x027C == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x000E*/ questionid = 0x00BE, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06A8) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x027B == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x000F*/ questionid = 0x00BF, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06A9) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x027A == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0010*/ questionid = 0x00C0, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06AA) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0279 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0011*/ questionid = 0x00C1, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06AB) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0278 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0012*/ questionid = 0x00C2, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06AC) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0277 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0013*/ questionid = 0x00C3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06AD) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0276 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0014*/ questionid = 0x00C4, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06AE) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0275 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0015*/ questionid = 0x00C5, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06AF) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0274 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0016*/ questionid = 0x00C6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B0) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0273 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0017*/ questionid = 0x00C7, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B1) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0272 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0018*/ questionid = 0x00C8, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B2) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00B1 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0271 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0270 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0019*/ questionid = 0x00C9, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B3) /*N/A*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B9) /*Mass storage device emulation type. 'AUTO' enumerates devices less than 530MB as floppies. Forced FDD option can be used to force HDD formatted drive to boot as FDD (e.g. ZIP drive).*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0680) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B5) /*Floppy*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B6) /*Forced FDD*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B7) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06B8) /*CD-ROM*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0000) /**/; suppressif FALSE; suppressif ideqval 0x022D == 11; action /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x27A3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, flags = 0x0004, config = 0x0000, endaction; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x27A4, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06C9) /*Platform Trust Technology*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06CB) /*TPM Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02AB*/ questionid = 0x00CA, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06CC) /*fTPM*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06CD) /*Enable/Disable fTPM*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endform; form formid = 0x27A5, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06CE) /*Security Configuration */; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06DB) /*Intel(R) TXE Configuration*/; suppressif ideqval 0x026F == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x026E == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02B0*/ questionid = 0x00CB, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06CF) /*TXE HMRFPO */, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06D0) /**/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02B1*/ questionid = 0x00CC, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06D1) /*TXE Firmware Update*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06D2) /**/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02B2*/ questionid = 0x00CD, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06D6) /*TXE EOP Message*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06D5) /*Send EOP Message Befor Enter OS*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; grayoutif ideqval 0x026E == 1; action /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x27A6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06D3) /*TXE Unconfiguration Perform*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06D4) /*Revert TXE settings to factory defaults*/, flags = 0x0004, config = 0x0000, endaction; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x27A7, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06E2) /*System Component*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02BA*/ questionid = 0x00CE, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06E4) /*PMIC ACPI OBJECT*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06E5) /*Enable/Disable PMIC ACPI Device*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02C0*/ questionid = 0x00CF, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0707) /*Asset SLP_S0IX_N in S0ix*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0708) /*Auto/Enable/Disable Asset SLP_S0IX_N in S0ix. In Auto mode, PMC will assert SLP_S0IX_N ONLY for PR1.4 and beyond, RVP plus Rohm B3 or Dialog C0 or Maxim. In Enable mode, PMC will assert the SLP_S0IX_N to save power regardless the board type.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0413) /*PCIe based WLAN module - BCM4356*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02C2*/ questionid = 0x00D0, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0414) /*BCM4356*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0415) /*By enabling this option, the corresponding GPIO configuration is performed to support this add-in card on CherryTrail - RVP.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02BB*/ questionid = 0x00D1, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06E6) /*Power&Performance(PNP) Setting*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06E7) /*Select PNP setting mode. Disable, Performance, Power or Power&Performance mode*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06E9) /*Power*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06E8) /*Performance*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06EA) /*Power&Performance*/, value = 3, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02BF*/ questionid = 0x00D2, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0705) /*LPC Pins PNP Setting*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0706) /*Enable/disable LPC pins PnP Setting. When enabled, the Lpc pins will be marked as tri-state when Bios hands over control to OS*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02CA*/ questionid = 0x00D3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x070D) /*XDB GPIO*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x070E) /*XDB GPIO Setting*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02C4*/ questionid = 0x00D4, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0709) /*Flashless Modem*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x070A) /*Enable/Disable Flashless Modem*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x00DA == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02C5*/ questionid = 0x00D5, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x070B) /*MS Custom Sdbus Driver*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x070C) /*Enable/Disable MS Custom Sdbus Driver*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02CB*/ questionid = 0x00D6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x071E) /*Toggle SelfClockDisabling*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x071F) /*Enable/Disable Toggling of SelfClockDisabling feature at RunTime*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02CC*/ questionid = 0x00D7, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0714) /*AOS GPS HID Selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0715) /*Select the GPS HID for AOS. Default is BCM47521*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0716) /*Broadcom 47521 GPS*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0717) /*Intel CG2000 GPS*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02CE*/ questionid = 0x00D8, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0718) /*CHT-HR setup options override*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0719) /*By default these are configured - SSIC enable = 1, SSIC[0] = 1, SSIC Init Sequence = 2, HSIC[0] = 0, HSIC[1] = 0; Flashless Modem = 1; By enabling this, setup options can be used.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02CD*/ questionid = 0x00D9, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x071A) /*VGG 50mW Workaround*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x071B) /*VGG 50mW Workaroun Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02C1*/ questionid = 0x00DA, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06F7) /*OS IMAGE ID*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06F8) /*Os image ID select Windows 8.1 and Android*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x1, default = 4, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06F9) /*Windows 8.1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06FA) /*Android*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02D3*/ questionid = 0x00DB, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0720) /*DNX fast boot*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0721) /*Enable: enter DNX fast boot; Disable: normal boot*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02CF*/ questionid = 0x00DC, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06F5) /*PSS Storage*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x06F6) /*Disable/Enable PSS-based secure boot*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02B8*/ questionid = 0x00DD, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0701) /*S5-Charging Driver*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0702) /*S5-Charging Driver Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02B9*/ questionid = 0x00DE, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0703) /*S5 LPM Settings*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0704) /*Enable/Disable LPM in UEFI-based S5 Charging*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02C6*/ questionid = 0x00DF, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0710) /*Persistent RAM size*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x070F) /*Specify the amount of main memory to be reserved for Pram. The memory will be allocated right after MRC initialization and its location will be stored into ACPI table.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x51, minimum = 0x48, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0711) /*64 MB*/, value = 51, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0712) /*16 MB*/, value = 50, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0713) /*4 MB*/, value = 49, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 48, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02C7*/ questionid = 0x00E0, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0722) /*Offline Crash Dump selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0723) /*Offline Crash Dump support*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02D5*/ questionid = 0x00E1, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0724) /* Domain Type*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0725) /*09h: Module; 07h: WiFi/WLAN; 0Fh: WWAN; 10h WiGig; 14h: RFEM*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 100, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 7, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 7, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02D6*/ questionid = 0x00E2, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0726) /* Country Identifier*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0727) /*Country identifier as defined in ISO/IEC 3166-1 Alpha 2 code*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 65535, minimum = 1, step = 0x1, default = 18756, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 18756, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02D8*/ questionid = 0x00E3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0724) /* Domain Type*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0725) /*09h: Module; 07h: WiFi/WLAN; 0Fh: WWAN; 10h WiGig; 14h: RFEM*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 100, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 16, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 16, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02D9*/ questionid = 0x00E4, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0726) /* Country Identifier*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0727) /*Country identifier as defined in ISO/IEC 3166-1 Alpha 2 code*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 65535, minimum = 1, step = 0x1, default = 16720, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 16720, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; endform; form formid = 0x2715, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x001A) /*Main*/; date /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x00E5, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x001C) /*System Date*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x001D) /*, , or selects field.*/, default = 2014/01/01, defaultstore = 0x0000, enddate; time /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x00E6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x001E) /*System Time*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x001F) /*, , or selects field.*/, default = 00:00:00, defaultstore = 0x0000, endtime; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0082) /*Main Configuration*/; suppressif ideqvallist 0x00E7 == 1 0 2; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0091*/ questionid = 0x00E7, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x078B) /*Touchscreen Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0790) /*Select whether the touchscreen mode is to be "Touchscreen Mode", "Tablet Mode".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x078C) /*Touchscreen Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x078D) /*Tablet Mode*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x00E7 == 1 0 2; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0791) /* Current Status*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x078C) /*Touchscreen Mode*/; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x00E7 == 1 0 2; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0791) /* Current Status*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x078D) /*Tablet Mode*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x026D == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0085*/ questionid = 0x00E8, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x086A) /*HOLD MODE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x086B) /*HOLD MODE HELP*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x086D) /*NOT AUTO*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x086C) /*AUTO*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x026D == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0086*/ questionid = 0x00E9, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x086A) /*HOLD MODE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x086B) /*HOLD MODE HELP*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x086E) /*0*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x086F) /*1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0870) /*2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0871) /*3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x026C == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0075*/ questionid = 0x00EA, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x089E) /*CUST0 Button*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x089F) /*Select whether F1-F12 is assigned to the CUST0 Button*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x13, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B9) /*Not Assigned*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BA) /*F1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BB) /*F2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BC) /*F3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BD) /*F4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BE) /*F5*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BF) /*F6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C0) /*F7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C1) /*F8*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C2) /*F9*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C3) /*F10*/, value = 10, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C4) /*F11*/, value = 11, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C5) /*F12*/, value = 12, flags = 0x00; suppressif 0 == 0; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C6) /*Specific Key*/, value = 13, flags = 0x00; endif; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x026B == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0077*/ questionid = 0x00EB, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08A2) /*CUST2 Button*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08A3) /*Select whether F1-F12 is assigned to the CUST2 Button*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x13, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B9) /*Not Assigned*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BA) /*F1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BB) /*F2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BC) /*F3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BD) /*F4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BE) /*F5*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BF) /*F6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C0) /*F7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C1) /*F8*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C2) /*F9*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C3) /*F10*/, value = 10, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C4) /*F11*/, value = 11, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C5) /*F12*/, value = 12, flags = 0x00; suppressif 0 == 0; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C8) /*Specific Key*/, value = 13, flags = 0x00; endif; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x026A == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0079*/ questionid = 0x00EC, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08A6) /*CUST4 Button*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08A7) /*Select whether F1-F12 is assigned to the CUST4 Button*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x13, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B9) /*Not Assigned*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BA) /*F1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BB) /*F2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BC) /*F3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BD) /*F4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BE) /*F5*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BF) /*F6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C0) /*F7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C1) /*F8*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C2) /*F9*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C3) /*F10*/, value = 10, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C4) /*F11*/, value = 11, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C5) /*F12*/, value = 12, flags = 0x00; suppressif 0 == 0; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08CA) /*Specific Key*/, value = 13, flags = 0x00; endif; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0269 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x007A*/ questionid = 0x00ED, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08A8) /*CUST5 Button*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08A9) /*Select whether F1-F12 is assigned to the CUST5 Button*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x13, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B9) /*Not Assigned*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BA) /*F1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BB) /*F2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BC) /*F3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BD) /*F4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BE) /*F5*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BF) /*F6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C0) /*F7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C1) /*F8*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C2) /*F9*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C3) /*F10*/, value = 10, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C4) /*F11*/, value = 11, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C5) /*F12*/, value = 12, flags = 0x00; suppressif 0 == 0; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08CB) /*Specific Key*/, value = 13, flags = 0x00; endif; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0268 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x007C*/ questionid = 0x00EE, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08AC) /*CUST7 Button*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08AD) /*Select whether F1-F12 is assigned to the CUST7 Button*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x13, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B9) /*Not Assigned*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BA) /*F1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BB) /*F2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BC) /*F3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BD) /*F4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BE) /*F5*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BF) /*F6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C0) /*F7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C1) /*F8*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C2) /*F9*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C3) /*F10*/, value = 10, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C4) /*F11*/, value = 11, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C5) /*F12*/, value = 12, flags = 0x00; suppressif 0 == 0; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08CD) /*Specific Key*/, value = 13, flags = 0x00; endif; endoneof; endif; goto 0x2730, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x00EF, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x087E) /*Tablet Button Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x087F) /*Press Enter to the Tablet Button Configuration Sub-Menu.*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqvallist 0x00F0 == 0 1 2; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0093*/ questionid = 0x00F0, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x076E) /*Display*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x076F) /*Select the default status of the display. Select "Internal LCD" or "External Monitor". If an external monitor is not connected, the internal LCD is displayed.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0771) /*External Monitor*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0772) /*Internal LCD*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0012 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x004D*/ questionid = 0x00F1, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0764) /*LCD Brightness Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0766) /*Select the LCD Brightness Mode. Lower minimum brightness is available when Low Brightness is selected.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0767) /*Normal Brightness*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0769) /*Low Brightness*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0257 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x009F*/ questionid = 0x00F2, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x077D) /*Battery Charging Indicator*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x077E) /*Select whether the Battery Charging Indicator is to be "On Continuous" or "Flashing".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x077F) /*On Continuous*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0780) /*Flashing*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0257 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00A0*/ questionid = 0x00F3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0781) /*LED Brightness*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0782) /*Select whether the Power LED brightness are to be synchronized with LCD brightness. If select "Dimmer", LED brightness will be set to low.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0783) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0784) /*Dimmer*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x0260 == 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0267 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x007D*/ questionid = 0x00F4, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08D2) /*Power On AC*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08D3) /*Select whether the Power On AC function is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x0260 == 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0266 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x007F*/ questionid = 0x00F5, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08D4) /*LID Switch*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08D5) /*Select whether the LID Switch is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0265 == 0 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x009C*/ questionid = 0x00F6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0775) /*Environment*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0776) /*A 100% charge in "High Temperature" mode is approximately the same as an 80% charge in "Normal Temperature" mode. This setting helps prevent the degradation of batteries in harmful environments such as, high temperature, or when an AC adaptor is connected for a long time. In "Auto" mode, the proper mode is selected automatically.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0777) /*Normal Temperature*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0778) /*High Temperature*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0779) /*Auto*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0265 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00F6 == 4) OR (NOT ideqval 0x0264 == 0); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0776) /*A 100% charge in "High Temperature" mode is approximately the same as an 80% charge in "Normal Temperature" mode. This setting helps prevent the degradation of batteries in harmful environments such as, high temperature, or when an AC adaptor is connected for a long time. In "Auto" mode, the proper mode is selected automatically.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x077A) /* Current Status*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0777) /*Normal Temperature*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0265 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00F6 == 4) OR (NOT ideqval 0x0264 == 1); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0776) /*A 100% charge in "High Temperature" mode is approximately the same as an 80% charge in "Normal Temperature" mode. This setting helps prevent the degradation of batteries in harmful environments such as, high temperature, or when an AC adaptor is connected for a long time. In "Auto" mode, the proper mode is selected automatically.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x077A) /* Current Status*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0778) /*High Temperature*/; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; goto 0x2748, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x2747, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07B7) /*Concealed Mode Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07B8) /*Press Enter to the Concealed Mode Sub-Menu.*/, flags = 0x0004; goto 0x274C, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x00F7, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F6) /*Touchscreen Calibration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F7) /*Press Enter to the Touchscreen Calibration Sub-Menu for Setup Utility.*/; suppressif ideqval 0x0013 == 1; goto 0x272B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x272A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07A7) /*Optional Kit Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07A8) /*Configure the optional kit.*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; endform; form formid = 0x272B, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07A7) /*Optional Kit Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07A7) /*Optional Kit Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x005D*/ questionid = 0x00F8, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07AA) /*Wireless WAN ID*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07AB) /*Set the wireless WAN ID.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 255, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07AC) /*Other Configuration Information*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x00E1 == 7; grayoutif ideqvallist 0x00E2 == 16720 18756; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02D6*/ questionid = 0x00F9, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07AD) /*WiFi Regulatory Domain*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07AE) /**/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x18756, minimum = 0x16720, default = 18756, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07AF) /*Global*/, value = 16720, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07B0) /*Indonesia*/, value = 18756, flags = 0x01; endoneof; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2730, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x087E) /*Tablet Button Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x087E) /*Tablet Button Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x0100 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x008A*/ questionid = 0x00FA, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0882) /*A Button*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0883) /*Select a function assigned to the A Button.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x5, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0884) /*Application1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; suppressif ideqval 0x00FE == 2 OR (0 == 0); option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0880) /*Ctrl+Alt+Del*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0100 == 0; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0885) /*Concealed Mode Trigger*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0100 == 1 OR ideqval 0x0262 == 1 OR ideqval 0x00FE == 5; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0881) /*Barcode Reader Trigger*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; endif; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0263 == 0 OR ideqvallist 0x00FA == 3; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0078*/ questionid = 0x00FB, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B8) /* Preboot Key Binding*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B1) /*Select whether F1-F12 is assigned to the A Button.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x13, minimum = 0x0, default = 13, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B9) /*Not Assigned*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BA) /*F1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BB) /*F2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BC) /*F3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BD) /*F4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BE) /*F5*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BF) /*F6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C0) /*F7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C1) /*F8*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C2) /*F9*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C3) /*F10*/, value = 10, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C4) /*F11*/, value = 11, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C5) /*F12*/, value = 12, flags = 0x00; suppressif 0 == 0; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C9) /*Enter*/, value = 13, flags = 0x00; endif; endoneof; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x008D*/ questionid = 0x00FC, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x088F) /*Up/Down Buttons*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0890) /*Select a function assigned to the Up/Down Buttons.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x6, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0891) /*Volume Up/Down*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0892) /*Brightness Up/Down*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif 0 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x008E*/ questionid = 0x00FD, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0897) /*Windows Button*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0898) /*Select whether the Windows Button is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x008F*/ questionid = 0x00FE, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0899) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x089A) /*Select a function assigned to the Rotation Lock Button.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x7, minimum = 0x0, default = 7, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; suppressif 0 == 0; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0888) /*Application2*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 2 OR (0 == 0); option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0880) /*Ctrl+Alt+Del*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0262 == 1 OR ideqval 0x00FA == 5; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0881) /*Barcode Reader Trigger*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; endif; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x089B) /*Rotation Lock*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0076*/ questionid = 0x00FF, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B8) /* Preboot Key Binding*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B6) /*Select whether F1-F12 is assigned to the Rotation Lock Button.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x12, minimum = 0x0, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B9) /*Not Assigned*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BA) /*F1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BB) /*F2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BC) /*F3*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BD) /*F4*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BE) /*F5*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BF) /*F6*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C0) /*F7*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C1) /*F8*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C2) /*F9*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C3) /*F10*/, value = 10, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C4) /*F11*/, value = 11, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C5) /*F12*/, value = 12, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x089D) /*Table of Preboot Key Bindings*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x0100 == 0; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0885) /*Concealed Mode Trigger*/; endif; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x0100 == 0; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 0); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B9) /*Not Assigned*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 1); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BA) /*F1*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 2); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BB) /*F2*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 3); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BC) /*F3*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 4); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BD) /*F4*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 5); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BE) /*F5*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 6); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BF) /*F6*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 7); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C0) /*F7*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 8); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C1) /*F8*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 9); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C2) /*F9*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 10); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C3) /*F10*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 11); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C4) /*F11*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 12); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C5) /*F12*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x00FA == 3 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FB == 13); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B0) /*A Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C9) /*Enter*/; endif; endif; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0895) /*Down Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08CE) /*↓*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0896) /*Up Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08CF) /*→*/; suppressif 0 == 0; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0897) /*Windows Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08D0) /*Enter*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 0); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B9) /*Not Assigned*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 1); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BA) /*F1*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 2); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BB) /*F2*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 3); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BC) /*F3*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 4); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BD) /*F4*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 5); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BE) /*F5*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 6); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08BF) /*F6*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 7); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C0) /*F7*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 8); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C1) /*F8*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 9); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C2) /*F9*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 10); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C3) /*F10*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 11); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C4) /*F11*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 12); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08C5) /*F12*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0261 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x00FF == 99); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08B5) /*Rotation Lock Button*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08D1) /*Esc*/; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2748, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07B7) /*Concealed Mode Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07B7) /*Concealed Mode Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x0260 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00A2*/ questionid = 0x0100, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07B9) /*Concealed Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07BA) /*Select whether the Concealed Mode is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x0100 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00A3*/ questionid = 0x0101, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07BE) /*LCD Backlight*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07BF) /*Select whether the LCD Backlight is to be "ON", "Minimum" or "OFF" in the Concealed Mode.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D3) /*OFF*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D4) /*Minimum*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D2) /*ON*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x0100 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00A4*/ questionid = 0x0102, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07C0) /*LED*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07C2) /*Select whether the LED is to be "ON" or "OFF" in the Concealed Mode. Camera Indicator LED is not toggled by Concealed Mode. If the Camera is being used when Concealed Mode is triggered, the Indicator LED will remain ON. If Camera LED is a concern, please disable the Camera in the Advanced menu.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D3) /*OFF*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D2) /*ON*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x025F == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x0100 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00A5*/ questionid = 0x0103, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07C3) /*Sound*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07C4) /*Select whether the sound is to be "ON" or "OFF" in the Concealed Mode.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D3) /*OFF*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D2) /*ON*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x025E == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x0100 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00A6*/ questionid = 0x0104, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07C5) /*Wireless Radio*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07C6) /*Select whether the wireless radio is to be "ON" or "OFF" in the Concealed Mode.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D3) /*OFF*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D2) /*ON*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x025D == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x0100 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00A7*/ questionid = 0x0105, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07C7) /*Camera Light*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07C9) /*Select whether the camera light is to be "ON" or "OFF" in the Concealed Mode. Camera Indicator LED is not toggled by Concealed Mode. If the Camera is being used when Concealed Mode is triggered, the Indicator LED will remain ON. If Camera LED is a concern, please disable the Camera in the Advanced menu.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D3) /*OFF*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D2) /*ON*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x025C == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x0100 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00A8*/ questionid = 0x0106, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07CA) /*Backlit Keyboard*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07CB) /*Select whether the backlit keyboard is to be "ON" or "OFF" in the Concealed Mode*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D3) /*OFF*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D2) /*ON*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x025B == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x0100 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00AA*/ questionid = 0x0107, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07CE) /*Barcode Reader*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07CF) /*Select whether the Barcode Reader is to be "ON" or "OFF" in the Concealed Mode.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D3) /*OFF*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D2) /*ON*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x025A == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x0100 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00AB*/ questionid = 0x0108, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07BB) /*Trigger Key*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07BC) /*Select which key to trigger the Concealed Mode. Fn+F8 key is always enabled.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x4, default = 4, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07D9) /*A Button*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x274C, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F6) /*Touchscreen Calibration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F6) /*Touchscreen Calibration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; goto 0x274C, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x274D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F8) /*Start Calibration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F9) /*Press Enter to start Calibration.*/, flags = 0x0004; endform; form formid = 0x2716, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0020) /*Advanced*/; goto 0x2752, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0109, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0083) /*CPU Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0084) /*CPU Configuration Parameters*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0021) /*Peripheral Configuration*/; suppressif ideqval 0x0253 == 1 OR ideqval 0x0253 == 0 AND ideqval 0x0251 == 1 AND ideqval 0x0252 == 1 AND ideqval 0x0250 == 1 AND ideqval 0x024F == 1; goto 0x272E, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x010A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0792) /*Wireless Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0793) /*Configure the Wireless devices to be Enabled or Disabled*/; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x010B == 0 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0090*/ questionid = 0x010B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0789) /*Touchscreen*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x078A) /*Select whether the touchscreen is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x0259 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0065*/ questionid = 0x010C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07E8) /*SD Slot*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07E9) /*Select whether the SD Slot is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0258 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x032B*/ questionid = 0x010D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08EB) /*Extension Port*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08EC) /*Select whether the Extension Port is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00B1*/ questionid = 0x010E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08ED) /*USB Port*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08F2) /*Select whether the USB ports of the PC are to be "Enabled" or "Disabled". This setting does not affect to functionality of the USB port of the cradle.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; suppressif 0 == 0; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0912) /*SuperSpeed USB Configuration*/; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x010E == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00B4*/ questionid = 0x010F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0911) /* SuperSpeed USB*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08FE) /*Select whether the SuperSpeed USB to be "Enabled" or "Disabled". Please leave this item "Enabled" if your PC is OK.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0257 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00B2*/ questionid = 0x0110, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08F4) /*Cradle USB Port*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08F7) /*Select whether the USB ports and LAN, Serial of the cradle are to be "Enabled" or "Disabled". This setting does not affect to functionality of the USB port for PC.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0110 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00B5*/ questionid = 0x0111, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0911) /* SuperSpeed USB*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x08FF) /*Select whether the SuperSpeed USB to be "Enabled" or "Disabled". Please leave this item "Enabled" if your PC is OK.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; suppressif 0 == 0; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0256 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00AD*/ questionid = 0x0112, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x081A) /*Camera*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x081B) /*Select whether the Camera is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0255 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00AF*/ questionid = 0x0113, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x081C) /*Camera (Rear)*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x081D) /*Select whether the Camera (Rear) is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 0 OR ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x004F*/ questionid = 0x0114, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0917) /*Audio Item Visible*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0918) /*This item is shown only if debug menu is visible.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x091A) /*Invisible*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0919) /*Visible*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0114 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01EF*/ questionid = 0x0115, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0915) /*Audio*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0916) /*Select whether the Audio is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x022B == 0; goto 0x2736, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0116, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0553) /*Serial Port Console Redirection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0553) /*Serial Port Console Redirection*/; endif; endform; form formid = 0x272E, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0792) /*Wireless Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0792) /*Wireless Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x0254 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0050*/ questionid = 0x0117, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0794) /*Wireless Switch*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0796) /*Select whether the Wireless Switch function is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0118 == 0 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0060*/ questionid = 0x0118, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0798) /**/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0798) /**/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0798) /**/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0798) /**/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0118 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x005F*/ questionid = 0x0119, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0799) /*Wireless Ready Indicator*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x079A) /*Select whether the Wireless Ready Indicator is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled" while in standby, hibernation or power off state.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 3, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; suppressif (NOT ideqval 0x0253 == 2) AND (NOT ideqval 0x0253 == 4); oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0052*/ questionid = 0x011A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x079B) /*Wireless LAN*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x079C) /*Select whether the Wireless LAN is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x0253 == 3; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0052*/ questionid = 0x011B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x079D) /*Wireless LAN/WiMAX*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x079E) /*Select whether the Wireless LAN/WiMAX is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0252 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0054*/ questionid = 0x011C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x079F) /*Wireless WAN*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07A0) /*Select whether the Wireless WAN is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x011D == 0 1; checkbox varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0062*/ questionid = 0x011D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, flags = 0x0010, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, endcheckbox; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x011D == 0 1; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0063*/ questionid = 0x011E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DA) /*Wake Up/Power On by Wireless WAN*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DB) /*Set each enable bit for Wake Up/Power On by Wireless WAN Bit0 - S3 Bit1 - S4 Bit2 - S5*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 7, minimum = 0, step = 0x1, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, endnumeric; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqvallist 0x011C == 0 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0252 == 1 OR ideqval 0x011D == 1; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DA) /*Wake Up/Power On by Wireless WAN*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqvallist 0x011C == 0 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0252 == 1 OR ideqval 0x011D == 1 OR (NOT ideqvallist 0x011E == 1 3 5 7); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DD) /*When the PC is woken by Wireless WAN, the "Enter Password" screen is automatically skipped even if Password On Boot and Password On Resume function have been enabled.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07E0) /* Resume from Standby*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DF) /*Allow*/; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqvallist 0x011C == 0 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0252 == 1 OR ideqval 0x011D == 1 OR ideqvallist 0x011E == 1 3 5 7; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DD) /*When the PC is woken by Wireless WAN, the "Enter Password" screen is automatically skipped even if Password On Boot and Password On Resume function have been enabled.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07E0) /* Resume from Standby*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DE) /*Deny*/; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqvallist 0x011C == 0 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0252 == 1 OR ideqval 0x011D == 1 OR (NOT ideqvallist 0x011E == 2 3 6 7); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DD) /*When the PC is woken by Wireless WAN, the "Enter Password" screen is automatically skipped even if Password On Boot and Password On Resume function have been enabled.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07E1) /* Resume from Hibernation*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DF) /*Allow*/; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqvallist 0x011C == 0 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0252 == 1 OR ideqval 0x011D == 1 OR ideqvallist 0x011E == 2 3 6 7; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DD) /*When the PC is woken by Wireless WAN, the "Enter Password" screen is automatically skipped even if Password On Boot and Password On Resume function have been enabled.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07E1) /* Resume from Hibernation*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DE) /*Deny*/; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqvallist 0x011C == 0 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0252 == 1 OR ideqval 0x011D == 1 OR (NOT ideqvallist 0x011E == 4 5 6 7); text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DD) /*When the PC is woken by Wireless WAN, the "Enter Password" screen is automatically skipped even if Password On Boot and Password On Resume function have been enabled.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07E2) /* Power On*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DF) /*Allow*/; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqvallist 0x011C == 0 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0252 == 1 OR ideqval 0x011D == 1 OR ideqvallist 0x011E == 4 5 6 7; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DD) /*When the PC is woken by Wireless WAN, the "Enter Password" screen is automatically skipped even if Password On Boot and Password On Resume function have been enabled.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07E2) /* Power On*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07DE) /*Deny*/; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0251 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x005B*/ questionid = 0x011F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07A5) /*Bluetooth*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07A6) /*Select whether the Bluetooth is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0250 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0056*/ questionid = 0x0120, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07A1) /*WiMAX*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07A2) /*Select whether the WiMAX is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; suppressif ideqval 0x024F == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0058*/ questionid = 0x0121, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07A3) /*GPS*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07A4) /*Select whether the GPS is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2736, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0553) /*Serial Port Console Redirection*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0558) /*No Serial Ports Present*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0584) /*No Serial Port for Out-of-Band Management/*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0585) /*Windows Emergency Management Services (EMS)*/; endform; form formid = 0x2752, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0083) /*CPU Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0083) /*CPU Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x024E == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0118*/ questionid = 0x2750, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x013C) /*Intel(R) Virtualization Technology*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x013D) /*Select whether the Intel(R) Virtualization Technology is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0167) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0166) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2717, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0022) /*Chipset*/; goto 0x2778, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0122, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0180) /*North Bridge*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0181) /*North Bridge Parameters*/; goto 0x277E, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0123, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03B0) /*South Bridge*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03B1) /*South Bridge Parameters*/; endform; form formid = 0x2778, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0180) /*North Bridge*/; goto 0x2779, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0124, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01E9) /*Intel IGD Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01EA) /*Config Intel IGD Settings.*/; goto 0x277A, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0125, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x022F) /*IGD - LCD Control*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0231) /*IGD LCD Control Settings*/; goto 0x277B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0126, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0269) /*Display From TypeC*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0269) /*Display From TypeC*/; goto 0x277C, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0127, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0277) /*Graphics Power Management Control*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0278) /*Graphics Power Management Control Options*/; goto 0x277D, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0128, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0196) /*Memory Configuration Options*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0197) /*MRC EV Setup Option*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0182) /*Memory Information*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0186) /*Total Memory in the System.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0184) /*Memory Size*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0185) /*N/A*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0195) /*Memory Speed.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0193) /*Memory Speed*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0194) /*NULL*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0187) /*Memory in the slot.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0188) /*Memory Slot0*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x018C) /*Not Present*/; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0187) /*Memory in the slot.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x018A) /*Memory Slot2*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x018E) /*Not Present*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0187*/ questionid = 0x0129, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0361) /*Max TOLUD*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0362) /*Maximum Value of TOLUD.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x9, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0363) /*Dynamic*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x036C) /*1 GB*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x036B) /*1.25 GB*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x036A) /*1.5 GB*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0369) /*1.75 GB*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0368) /*2 GB*/, value = 5, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0367) /*2.25 GB*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0366) /*2.5 GB*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0365) /*2.75 GB*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0364) /*3 GB*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0183) /*Memory Confighration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x014B*/ questionid = 0x012A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0270) /*Memory Scrambler*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0271) /*Enable/Disable Memory Scrambler support.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endform; form formid = 0x2779, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01E9) /*Intel IGD Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01EB) /*GOP Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x013F*/ questionid = 0x012B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01EC) /*GOP Driver*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01ED) /*Enable GOP Driver will unload VBIOS; Disbale it will load VBIOS*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x20; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01E9) /*Intel IGD Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0135*/ questionid = 0x012C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01F7) /*Integrated Graphics Device*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01F8) /*Enable : Enable Integrated Graphics Device (IGD) when selected as the Primary Video Adaptor. Disable: Always disbale IGD*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x012C == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0139*/ questionid = 0x012D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01F9) /*IGD Turbo Enable*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01FA) /*Select the IGD Turbo feature, if Auto selected, IGD Turbo will only be enabled when SOC stepping is B0 or above.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x013A*/ questionid = 0x012E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0265) /*Power Meter Lock*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0266) /*Enable/Disable Power Meter Lock*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0136*/ questionid = 0x012F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01FB) /*Primary Display*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01FC) /*Select which of IGD/PCI Graphics device should be Primary Display.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01FF) /*Auto*/, value = 3, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01FD) /*IGD*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01FE) /*PCIe*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0140*/ questionid = 0x0130, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0200) /*GFX Boost*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0201) /*Enable/Disable GFX Boost*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0142*/ questionid = 0x0131, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0204) /*PR3 (For Win10 Only)*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0205) /*Enable/Disable PR3 (For Win10 Only)*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0137*/ questionid = 0x0132, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0214) /*DVMT Pre-Allocated*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0215) /*Select DVMT 5.0 Pre-Allocated (Fixed) Graphics Memory size used by the Internal Graphics Device.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x16, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0216) /*32M*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0217) /*64M*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0218) /*96M*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0219) /*128M*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x021A) /*160M*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x021B) /*192M*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x021C) /*224M*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x021D) /*256M*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x021E) /*288M*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x021F) /*320M*/, value = 10, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0220) /*352M*/, value = 11, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0221) /*384M*/, value = 12, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0222) /*416M*/, value = 13, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0223) /*448M*/, value = 14, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0224) /*480M*/, value = 15, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0225) /*512M*/, value = 16, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0143*/ questionid = 0x0133, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0226) /*DVMT Total Gfx Mem*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0227) /*Select DVMT 5.0 Total Graphic Memory size used by the Internal Graphics Device.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x1, default = 3, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0228) /*128MB*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0229) /*256MB*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x022A) /*Max*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0138*/ questionid = 0x0134, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x020F) /*Aperture Size*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0210) /*Select the Aperture Size*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0211) /*128MB*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0212) /*256MB*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0213) /*512MB*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x013B*/ questionid = 0x0135, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x020A) /*GTT Size*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x020B) /*Select the GTT Size */, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x020C) /*2MB*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x020D) /*4MB*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x020E) /*8MB*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0144*/ questionid = 0x0136, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x022B) /*IGD Thermal*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x022C) /*Enable/Disable IGD Thermal*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0145*/ questionid = 0x0137, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x022D) /*Spread Spectrum clock*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x022E) /*Enable/Disable Spread Spectrum clock*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0188*/ questionid = 0x0138, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01EE) /*Panel Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01EF) /*Select EDP/MIPI panel*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01F0) /*EDP*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01F1) /*MIPI*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; grayoutif ideqval 0x0138 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0189*/ questionid = 0x0139, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01F2) /*MIPI Panel Vendor*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01F3) /*Select LG/PANASONIC MIPI panel*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01F4) /*PANASONIC MIPI*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01F5) /*LG MIPI*/, value = 0, flags = 0x20; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01F6) /*INNOLUX MIPI*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x013C*/ questionid = 0x013A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0272) /*ISP Enable/Disable*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0273) /*Enable/Disable ISP PCI Device Selection*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; grayoutif ideqval 0x013A == 0 OR ideqval 0x00DA == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x013D*/ questionid = 0x013B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0274) /*ISP PCI Device Selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0275) /*Select PCI device for ISP device. Default device is PCI B0D3F0.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0276) /*ISP PCI Devce as B0D3F0*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x277A, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x022F) /*IGD - LCD Control*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0230) /*IGD - LCD Control*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0155*/ questionid = 0x013C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0232) /*Force Lid Status*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0233) /*For test: force to set lid status as on or off.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A6) /*On*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A7) /*Off*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0146*/ questionid = 0x013D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0234) /*BIA*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0235) /*Auto: GMCH Use VBIOS Default; Level n: Enabled with Selected Aggressivenness Level*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x6, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0236) /*LEVEL1*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0237) /*LEVEL2*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0238) /*LEVEL3*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0239) /*LEVEL4*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x023A) /*LEVEL5*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0147*/ questionid = 0x013E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x023B) /*ALS Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x023C) /*Valid only for ACPI*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0148*/ questionid = 0x013F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x023D) /*IGD Flat Panel*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x023E) /*IGD Flat Panel options*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x16, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0247) /*Panel 01*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0248) /*Panel 02*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0249) /*Panel 03*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x024A) /*Panel 04*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x024B) /*Panel 05*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x024C) /*Panel 06*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x024D) /*Panel 07*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x024E) /*Panel 08*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x024F) /*Panel 09*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0250) /*Panel 10*/, value = 10, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0251) /*Panel 11*/, value = 11, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0252) /*Panel 12*/, value = 12, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0253) /*Panel 13*/, value = 13, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0254) /*Panel 14*/, value = 14, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0255) /*Panel 15*/, value = 15, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0256) /*Panel 16*/, value = 16, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0149*/ questionid = 0x0140, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0257) /*IGD Boot Type*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0258) /*Selects preference for Integrated Graphics Device (IGD) display interface used when system boots.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x5, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0259) /*HDMI Port B*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x025A) /*eDP*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x017A*/ questionid = 0x0141, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x036D) /*MIPI DSI*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x036E) /*Disable/enable MIPI DSI.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0154*/ questionid = 0x0142, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x025B) /*Pannel Scaling*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x025C) /*Pannel Scaling options*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x025D) /*Centering*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x025E) /*stretching*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x014A*/ questionid = 0x0143, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x025F) /*GMCH BLC Control*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0260) /*Back Light Control Setting*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0264) /*GMBus-Normal*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0263) /*PWM-Normal*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0262) /*GMBus-Inverted*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0261) /*PWM-Inverted*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0150*/ questionid = 0x0144, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x030C) /*Enabled/Disabled PM Weights*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0260) /*Back Light Control Setting*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endform; form formid = 0x277B, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0269) /*Display From TypeC*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0269) /*Display From TypeC*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01EA*/ questionid = 0x0145, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x026A) /*DP Over TypeC*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x026B) /*Enable/Disable DP Over TypeC*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; grayoutif ideqval 0x0145 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01EB*/ questionid = 0x0146, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x026C) /*TypeC Lane Allocation*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x026D) /*Enable 2 or 4 Lanes for DP*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x2, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x026E) /*2 Lanes*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x026F) /*4 Lanes*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endform; form formid = 0x277C, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0277) /*Graphics Power Management Control*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0277) /*Graphics Power Management Control*/; suppressif ideqval 0x0067 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x013E*/ questionid = 0x0147, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0279) /*RC6(Render Standby)*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x027A) /*Check to enable render standby support.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0067 == 0; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x027A) /*Check to enable render standby support.*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0279) /*RC6(Render Standby)*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/; endif; endform; form formid = 0x277D, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0196) /*Memory Configuration Options*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0196) /*Memory Configuration Options*/; suppressif ideqval 0x024D == 0; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01AA) /*Memory Configuration Changed*/; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0190*/ questionid = 0x275B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0198) /*Rank Margin Tool EV Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0199) /*Enable/Disable Rank Margin Tool print out message support. Please make sure MRS Debug Message Level at least Minimum.*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x20; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0192*/ questionid = 0x275D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01B0) /*DDR DVFS*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01B1) /*Enable or disable DDR Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling in MRC*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0193*/ questionid = 0x275F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x019C) /*Frequency A selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x019C) /*Frequency A selection*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x255, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x019F) /*Auto*/, value = 255, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A0) /*800*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A1) /*1067*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A2) /*1600*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A3) /*800 (SKU333)*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A4) /*1000 (SKU333)*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A5) /*1333 (SKU333)*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A6) /*900 (SKU360)*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A7) /*1800 (SKU360)*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A8) /*933 (SKU373)*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A9) /*1866 (SKU373)"*/, value = 9, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0194*/ questionid = 0x2760, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x019D) /*Frequency B selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x019E) /*Option to Select Frequency B (Min DDR DVFS Frequency)*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x255, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x019F) /*Auto*/, value = 255, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A0) /*800*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A1) /*1067*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A3) /*800 (SKU333)*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A4) /*1000 (SKU333)*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A6) /*900 (SKU360)*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01A8) /*933 (SKU373)*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0195*/ questionid = 0x2761, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01BC) /*Auto Detect LPDDR3 DRAM*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01BD) /*Enable or disable automatic detection of LPDDR3 DRAM parameters*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; grayoutif ideqval 0x2761 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0196*/ questionid = 0x2762, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01B2) /*LPDDR3 Chip Select*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01B3) /*LPDDR3 Chip Select (Number of Rank) Configuration. Auto Detect must be disabled to use this option*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01B5) /*1 Rank*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01B4) /*2 Ranks*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01DA*/ questionid = 0x2763, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01D6) /*LPDDR3 Device Density*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01D7) /*LPDDR3 Only: Density of single die in LPDDR3 device. For DDP Devices: Density = (Total Device Density)/2 For QDP Devices: Density = (Total Device Density)/4*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x5, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01D8) /*1Gb*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01D9) /*2Gb*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01DA) /*4Gb*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01DB) /*6Gb*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01DC) /*8Gb*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01DD) /*16Gb*/, value = 4, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0197*/ questionid = 0x2764, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01B6) /*Channel selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01B7) /*Select number of channels - Auto = dual channel*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x255, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 255, flags = 0x20; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01B8) /*Single*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01B9) /*Dual*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01AC*/ questionid = 0x2765, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01BE) /*Channel Select Bits 3:0*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01BF) /*NOTE: Only bits [3:1] are used for final channel select value. BMISC Channel Select Bits 3:0: Specifies the address bits to use to stripe memory across multiple PMI channels.*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 15, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 14, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01AD*/ questionid = 0x2766, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01C0) /*Channel Select 4*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01C1) /*BMISC Channel select 4 for channel hashing*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 1, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01AF*/ questionid = 0x2767, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01C4) /*Bank Address Hashing*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01C5) /*Enable or disable Bank Address Hashing*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01B0*/ questionid = 0x2768, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01C6) /*Rank Select Interleaving*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01C7) /*Enable or disable Rank Select Interleaving*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01B1*/ questionid = 0x2769, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01BA) /*Dynamic Self Refresh*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01BB) /*Enable or disable PUNIT driven DUNIT DDR dynamic self refresh*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; grayoutif ideqval 0x2769 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01AE*/ questionid = 0x276A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01C2) /*DRAM PM5*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01C3) /*Enable or disable DRAM PM5 PUNIT configuration*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x024C == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01B3*/ questionid = 0x276B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01AB) /*DDR3 2N Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01AC) /*Sets the DDR3 mode to 2N. 1N mode is used by default*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01B6*/ questionid = 0x276C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01C8) /*RX Power Training*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01C9) /*Enable/Disable RX Power Training*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01B7*/ questionid = 0x276D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01CA) /*TX Power Training*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01CB) /*Enable/Disable TX Power Training*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01B8*/ questionid = 0x0148, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01CC) /*Fast Boot*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01CD) /*Enable/Disable MRC Fast Boot. Forces MRC training to occur when disabled.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01B9*/ questionid = 0x276E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01CE) /*Scrambler*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01CF) /*Enable/Disable Scrambler*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x024C == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01BA*/ questionid = 0x276F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01D0) /*DRAM Speed Grade*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01D1) /*Sets the DRAM Speed Grade. The speed grade affects the several DDR timing settings.*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01D2) /*Fast*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01D3) /*Typical*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01D4) /*Slow*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01D5) /*Slow-Slow*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01DB*/ questionid = 0x2770, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01DE) /*MRC Debug Message Level*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01DF) /*Only valid in DEBUG BIOS Build: Sets the MRC Debug Message Level. NONE: No debug messages displayed in UART. TYPICAL: Normal messages including MRC flow plus training results and eye diagrams. VERBOSE: This should be the log level for most debug. Outputs complete training algo completion details.*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x15, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01E0) /*NONE*/, value = 0, flags = 0x20; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01E1) /*TYPICAL*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01E2) /*VERBOSE*/, value = 15, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01DD*/ questionid = 0x2771, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01E3) /*DRP Lock*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01E4) /*DRP Lock*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01DE*/ questionid = 0x2772, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01E5) /*REUT Lock*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x01E6) /*REUT Lock*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01DF*/ questionid = 0x2773, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x071C) /*RH Prevention*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x071D) /*Prevents Row Hammer attacks by increasing the average time between sending REF commands to DRAM*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endform; form formid = 0x277E, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03B0) /*South Bridge*/; goto 0x277F, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0149, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03B2) /*ISH Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03B3) /*ISH Configuration Settings*/; goto 0x2780, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x014A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0443) /*Audio Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0444) /*Audio Configuration Settings*/; goto 0x2781, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x014B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0454) /*USB Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0455) /*USB Configuration Settings*/; goto 0x2782, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x014C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0420) /*Miscellaneous Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0421) /*Enable\Disable Misc. Features*/; goto 0x2785, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x014D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03C0) /*LPSS & SCC Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03C1) /*LPSS & SCC Configuration Setting*/; goto 0x2783, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x014E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0492) /*PCI Express Configuration*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0493) /*PCI Express Configuration Settings*/; goto 0x2784, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x014F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04F0) /*PCI Express S0ix Settings*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04F1) /*PCI Express S0ix Settings*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02A2*/ questionid = 0x0150, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x051A) /*RTC Lock*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x051B) /*Enable will lock bytes 38h-3Fh in the lower/upper 128-byte bank of RTC RAM*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x029B*/ questionid = 0x0151, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0518) /*BIOS Read/Write Protection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0519) /*Enable or Disable BIOS SPI region read/write protect.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endform; form formid = 0x277F, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03B2) /*ISH Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03B2) /*ISH Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01ED*/ questionid = 0x0152, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03B4) /*ISH Support (D10:F0)*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03B5) /*Enable/Disable ISH Support*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02A4*/ questionid = 0x0153, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03B6) /*Enable/Disable ISH Debugger*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03B7) /*Enable/Disable ISH Debugger*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endform; form formid = 0x2780, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0443) /*Audio Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0445) /*Audio Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x024B == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0272*/ questionid = 0x0154, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x044C) /* Azalia VCi Enable*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x044D) /*Enable/Disable Virtual Channel 1 of Audio Controller.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0271*/ questionid = 0x0155, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x044E) /* Azalia Docking Support Enable*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x044F) /*Enable/Disable Azalia Docking Support of Audio Controller.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x026C*/ questionid = 0x0156, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0450) /* Azalia PME Enable*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0451) /*Enable/Disable Power Management capability of Audio Controller.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x026D*/ questionid = 0x0157, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0452) /* Azalia HDMI Codec*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0453) /*Enable/Disable internal HDMI codec for Azalia*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2781, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0454) /*USB Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0456) /*USB Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0287*/ questionid = 0x0158, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0457) /*USB OTG Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0458) /*Enable/Disable USB OTG Support*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 3, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x045A) /*ACPI mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0459) /*PCI mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x028A*/ questionid = 0x0159, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x045B) /*USB VBUS*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x045C) /*VBUS should be ON in HOST mode. It should be OFF in OTG device mode. VBUS is forced to Auto mode for FFRD-PR1 since FSA mux will control it.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A7) /*Off*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A6) /*On*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x028B*/ questionid = 0x015A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x045D) /*USB TYPE A PORT*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x045E) /*Enable/Disable USB type A port*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x015E == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0279*/ questionid = 0x015B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x045F) /*XHCI Controller*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0460) /*Enable/Disable XHCI Controller*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x015B == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x027A*/ questionid = 0x015C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0461) /*XHCI Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0462) /*Mode of operation of xHCI controller*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0463) /*Smart Auto*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0278*/ questionid = 0x015D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0464) /*USB2 Link Power Management*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0465) /*Enable/Disable USB2 Link Power Management */, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x015B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x027C*/ questionid = 0x015E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0466) /*USB 2.0(EHCI) Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0467) /*Control the USB EHCI (USB 2.0) functions. One EHCI controller must always be enabled*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x015E == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0286*/ questionid = 0x015F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0468) /*USB RMH Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0469) /*Enable/Disable PCH USB Rate Matching Hubs mode*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x015B == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0213*/ questionid = 0x0160, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x047C) /* SSIC Port 1*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x047D) /*Enable/Disable SSIC Port 1.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x20; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0214*/ questionid = 0x0161, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x047E) /* SSIC Port 2*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x047F) /*Enable/Disable SSIC Port 2.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0215*/ questionid = 0x0162, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0480) /* HSIC Port 1*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0481) /*Enable/Disable HSIC Port 1.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0216*/ questionid = 0x0163, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0482) /* HSIC Port 2*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0483) /*Enable/Disable HSIC Port 2.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0288*/ questionid = 0x0164, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0484) /* USB2 PHY Power Gating*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0485) /*Configure USB2 PHY Power Gating*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 2, flags = 0x20; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0289*/ questionid = 0x0165, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0267) /*USB3 PHY Power Gating*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0268) /*Configure USB3 PHY Power Gating*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x028C*/ questionid = 0x0166, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0486) /*Default DRD Config*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0487) /*Default DRD Configuration*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0488) /*DeviceMode*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0489) /*HostMode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x028D*/ questionid = 0x0167, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x048A) /*DRD Access Method*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x048B) /*Configure Dual Role Register using Sideband or MMIO*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x048C) /*Mmio*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x048D) /*Sideband*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x027E*/ questionid = 0x0168, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x046C) /*USB Port 1*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x046D) /*Enable / Disable USB Port 1*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x027F*/ questionid = 0x0169, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x046E) /*USB Port 2*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x046F) /*Enable / Disable USB Port 2*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0280*/ questionid = 0x016A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0470) /*USB Port 3*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0471) /*Enable / Disable USB Port 3*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0281*/ questionid = 0x016B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0472) /*USB Port 4*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0473) /*Enable / Disable USB Port 4*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0282*/ questionid = 0x016C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0474) /*USB SS Port 1*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0475) /*Enable / Disable USB SS Port 1*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0283*/ questionid = 0x016D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0476) /*USB SS Port 2*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0477) /*Enable / Disable USB SS Port 2*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0284*/ questionid = 0x016E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0478) /*USB SS Port 3*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0479) /*Enable / Disable USB SS Port 3*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0285*/ questionid = 0x016F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x047A) /*USB SS Port 4*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x047B) /*Enable / Disable USB SS Port 4*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x029C*/ questionid = 0x0170, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0520) /*SSIC WA Enable*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0521) /*Enable/Disable SSIC WA*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x20; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02A5*/ questionid = 0x0171, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x048E) /*SSIC Init Sequence*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x048F) /*SSIC Initialization Sequence 1 - Windows, SSIC Initialization Sequence 2 - Android*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x1, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0490) /*SSIC Initialization Sequence 1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0491) /*SSIC Initialization Sequence 2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02A6*/ questionid = 0x0172, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0522) /* SSIC HS Rate Series*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0523) /*Select SSIC HS Rate Series*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0524) /*Series A*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0525) /*Series B*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endform; form formid = 0x2782, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0420) /*Miscellaneous Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0422) /*Miscellaneous Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0290*/ questionid = 0x0173, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0427) /*State After G3*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0428) /*Specify what state to go to when power is re-applied after a power failure (G3 state)*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x042A) /*S5 State*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0429) /*S0 State*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0292*/ questionid = 0x0174, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x042D) /*USB3 Clock Spread Spectrum*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x042E) /*Enable USB3 Clock Spread Spectrum feature*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0293*/ questionid = 0x0175, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x042F) /*DISPLAY Clock Spread Spectrum*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0430) /*Enable DISPLAY Clock Spread Spectrum feature*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0294*/ questionid = 0x0176, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0431) /*SATA Clock Spread Spectrum*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0432) /*Enable SATA Clock Spread Spectrum feature*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0295*/ questionid = 0x0177, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0433) /*UART Interface Selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0434) /*Select which UART interface to use*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0435) /*Internal UART*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0436) /*SuperIo UART*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02A7*/ questionid = 0x0178, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0405) /*Platform Clk Selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0406) /*Option to Disable PLT_CL 0-4 ,LPE,ISH for AOS*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0297*/ questionid = 0x0179, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x051E) /*Enable DBG2 Table*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x051F) /*Enable/Disable DBG2 ACPI Table for Windbg*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endform; form formid = 0x2783, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0492) /*PCI Express Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0492) /*PCI Express Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0220*/ questionid = 0x017A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0494) /*PCI Express Port 1*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0498) /*Enable or Disable the PCI Express Port 1 in the Chipset.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x017A == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0224*/ questionid = 0x017B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A6) /*ASPM*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AA) /*Set the ASPM Level: Force L0s - Force all links to L0s State AUTO - BIOS auto configure DISABLE - Disables ASPM*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 4, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AB) /*L0s*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AC) /*L1*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AD) /*L0sL1*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0234*/ questionid = 0x017C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AE) /* URR*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B2) /*PCI Express Unsupported Request Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0238*/ questionid = 0x017D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B3) /* FER*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B7) /*PCI Express Device Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x023C*/ questionid = 0x017E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B8) /* NFER*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04BC) /*PCI Express Device Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0240*/ questionid = 0x017F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04BD) /* CER*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C1) /*PCI Express Device Correctable Error Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0244*/ questionid = 0x0180, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C2) /* SEFE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C6) /*Root PCI Express System Error on Fatal Error Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0248*/ questionid = 0x0181, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C7) /* SENFE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04CB) /*Root PCI Express System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x024C*/ questionid = 0x0182, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04CC) /* SECE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D0) /*Root PCI Express System Error on Correctable Error Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0228*/ questionid = 0x0183, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D1) /* PME SCI*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D5) /*PCI Express PME SCI Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x022C*/ questionid = 0x0184, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D6) /* Ext Sync*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04DA) /*PCI Express Ext Sync Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x021C*/ questionid = 0x0185, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x049C) /*PCIe 1 Speed*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x049D) /*Configure PCIe Port 1 Speed*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A5) /*Gen 2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A4) /*Gen 1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0230*/ questionid = 0x0186, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04DB) /* Hot Plug*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04DF) /*PCI Express Hot Plug Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0250*/ questionid = 0x0187, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E0) /* Transmitter Half Swing*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E4) /*Transmitter Half Swing Enable/Disable.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0254*/ questionid = 0x0188, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E5) /*L1 Substates*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E6) /*PCI Express L1 Substates settings.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, default = 3, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E7) /*L1.1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E8) /*L1.2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E9) /*L1.1 & L1.2*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0258*/ questionid = 0x0189, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EA) /*Non-Common Clock with SSC Enabled Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EB) /*Assume the root port is operating at non-common clock with SSC enabled.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x025C*/ questionid = 0x018A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EC) /*Tx Eq Deemphasis Selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04ED) /*Select the level of de-emphasis for an Upstream component*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EF) /*6dB*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EE) /*3.5dB*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0221*/ questionid = 0x018B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0495) /*PCI Express Port 2*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0499) /*Enable or Disable the PCI Express Port 2 in the Chipset.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x018B == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0225*/ questionid = 0x018C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A7) /*ASPM*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AA) /*Set the ASPM Level: Force L0s - Force all links to L0s State AUTO - BIOS auto configure DISABLE - Disables ASPM*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AB) /*L0s*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AC) /*L1*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AD) /*L0sL1*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0235*/ questionid = 0x018D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AF) /* URR*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B2) /*PCI Express Unsupported Request Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0239*/ questionid = 0x018E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B4) /* FER*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B7) /*PCI Express Device Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x023D*/ questionid = 0x018F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B9) /* NFER*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04BC) /*PCI Express Device Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0241*/ questionid = 0x0190, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04BE) /* CER*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C1) /*PCI Express Device Correctable Error Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0245*/ questionid = 0x0191, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C3) /* SEFE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C6) /*Root PCI Express System Error on Fatal Error Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0249*/ questionid = 0x0192, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C8) /* SENFE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04CB) /*Root PCI Express System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x024D*/ questionid = 0x0193, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04CD) /* SECE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D0) /*Root PCI Express System Error on Correctable Error Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0229*/ questionid = 0x0194, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D2) /* PME SCI*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D5) /*PCI Express PME SCI Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x022D*/ questionid = 0x0195, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D7) /* Ext Sync*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04DA) /*PCI Express Ext Sync Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x021D*/ questionid = 0x0196, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x049E) /*PCIe 2 Speed*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x049F) /*Configure PCIe Port 2 Speed*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A5) /*Gen 2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A4) /*Gen 1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0231*/ questionid = 0x0197, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04DC) /* Hot Plug*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04DF) /*PCI Express Hot Plug Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0251*/ questionid = 0x0198, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E1) /* Transmitter Half Swing*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E4) /*Transmitter Half Swing Enable/Disable.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0255*/ questionid = 0x0199, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E5) /*L1 Substates*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E6) /*PCI Express L1 Substates settings.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E7) /*L1.1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E8) /*L1.2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E9) /*L1.1 & L1.2*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0259*/ questionid = 0x019A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EA) /*Non-Common Clock with SSC Enabled Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EB) /*Assume the root port is operating at non-common clock with SSC enabled.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x025D*/ questionid = 0x019B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EC) /*Tx Eq Deemphasis Selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04ED) /*Select the level of de-emphasis for an Upstream component*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EF) /*6dB*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EE) /*3.5dB*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0222*/ questionid = 0x019C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0496) /*PCI Express Port 3*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x049A) /*Enable or Disable the PCI Express Port 3 in the Chipset.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x019C == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0226*/ questionid = 0x019D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A8) /*ASPM*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AA) /*Set the ASPM Level: Force L0s - Force all links to L0s State AUTO - BIOS auto configure DISABLE - Disables ASPM*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AB) /*L0s*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AC) /*L1*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AD) /*L0sL1*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0236*/ questionid = 0x019E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B0) /* URR*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B2) /*PCI Express Unsupported Request Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x023A*/ questionid = 0x019F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B5) /* FER*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B7) /*PCI Express Device Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x023E*/ questionid = 0x01A0, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04BA) /* NFER*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04BC) /*PCI Express Device Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0242*/ questionid = 0x01A1, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04BF) /* CER*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C1) /*PCI Express Device Correctable Error Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0246*/ questionid = 0x01A2, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C4) /* SEFE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C6) /*Root PCI Express System Error on Fatal Error Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x024A*/ questionid = 0x01A3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C9) /* SENFE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04CB) /*Root PCI Express System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x024E*/ questionid = 0x01A4, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04CE) /* SECE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D0) /*Root PCI Express System Error on Correctable Error Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x022A*/ questionid = 0x01A5, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D3) /* PME SCI*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D5) /*PCI Express PME SCI Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x022E*/ questionid = 0x01A6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D8) /* Ext Sync*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04DA) /*PCI Express Ext Sync Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x021E*/ questionid = 0x01A7, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A0) /*PCIe 3 Speed*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A1) /*Configure PCIe Port 3 Speed*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A5) /*Gen 2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A4) /*Gen 1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0232*/ questionid = 0x01A8, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04DD) /* Hot Plug*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04DF) /*PCI Express Hot Plug Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0252*/ questionid = 0x01A9, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E2) /* Transmitter Half Swing*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E4) /*Transmitter Half Swing Enable/Disable.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0256*/ questionid = 0x01AA, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E5) /*L1 Substates*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E6) /*PCI Express L1 Substates settings.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E7) /*L1.1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E8) /*L1.2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E9) /*L1.1 & L1.2*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x025A*/ questionid = 0x01AB, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EA) /*Non-Common Clock with SSC Enabled Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EB) /*Assume the root port is operating at non-common clock with SSC enabled.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x025E*/ questionid = 0x01AC, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EC) /*Tx Eq Deemphasis Selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04ED) /*Select the level of de-emphasis for an Upstream component*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EF) /*6dB*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EE) /*3.5dB*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0223*/ questionid = 0x01AD, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0497) /*PCI Express Port 4*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x049B) /*Enable or Disable the PCI Express Port 4 in the Chipset.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x01AD == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0227*/ questionid = 0x01AE, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A9) /*ASPM*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AA) /*Set the ASPM Level: Force L0s - Force all links to L0s State AUTO - BIOS auto configure DISABLE - Disables ASPM*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AB) /*L0s*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AC) /*L1*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04AD) /*L0sL1*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0237*/ questionid = 0x01AF, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B1) /* URR*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B2) /*PCI Express Unsupported Request Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x023B*/ questionid = 0x01B0, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B6) /* FER*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04B7) /*PCI Express Device Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x023F*/ questionid = 0x01B1, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04BB) /* NFER*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04BC) /*PCI Express Device Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0243*/ questionid = 0x01B2, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C0) /* CER*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C1) /*PCI Express Device Correctable Error Reporting Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0247*/ questionid = 0x01B3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C5) /* SEFE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04C6) /*Root PCI Express System Error on Fatal Error Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x024B*/ questionid = 0x01B4, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04CA) /* SENFE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04CB) /*Root PCI Express System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x024F*/ questionid = 0x01B5, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04CF) /* SECE*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D0) /*Root PCI Express System Error on Correctable Error Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x022B*/ questionid = 0x01B6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D4) /* PME SCI*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D5) /*PCI Express PME SCI Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x022F*/ questionid = 0x01B7, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04D9) /* Ext Sync*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04DA) /*PCI Express Ext Sync Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x021F*/ questionid = 0x01B8, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A2) /*PCIe 4 Speed*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A3) /*Configure PCIe Port 4 Speed*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A3) /*Auto*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A5) /*Gen 2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04A4) /*Gen 1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0233*/ questionid = 0x01B9, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04DE) /* Hot Plug*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04DF) /*PCI Express Hot Plug Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0253*/ questionid = 0x01BA, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E3) /* Transmitter Half Swing*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E4) /*Transmitter Half Swing Enable/Disable.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0257*/ questionid = 0x01BB, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E5) /*L1 Substates*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E6) /*PCI Express L1 Substates settings.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E7) /*L1.1*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E8) /*L1.2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04E9) /*L1.1 & L1.2*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x025B*/ questionid = 0x01BC, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EA) /*Non-Common Clock with SSC Enabled Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EB) /*Assume the root port is operating at non-common clock with SSC enabled.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x025F*/ questionid = 0x01BD, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EC) /*Tx Eq Deemphasis Selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04ED) /*Select the level of de-emphasis for an Upstream component*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EF) /*6dB*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04EE) /*3.5dB*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endform; form formid = 0x2784, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04F0) /*PCI Express S0ix Settings*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0260*/ questionid = 0x01BE, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04F2) /*PCIe S0iX*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04F3) /*Enable/disable S0iX for PCIe*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x01BE == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0261*/ questionid = 0x01BF, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04F6) /*D0 S0ix Policy*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04F7) /*PCIe D0 S0ix Policy*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04F8) /*PCIe RC shall be in D3*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04F9) /*S0i1 is the deepest S0ix state*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04FA) /*PCIe RC is in D0 when entering S0IX*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04FB) /*Reserved*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0262*/ questionid = 0x01C0, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04F4) /*Evaluate CLKREQ State*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04F5) /*Enable/disable evaluation of CLKREQ state*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x01C0 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0263*/ questionid = 0x01C1, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04FD) /*Enable CLKREQ#[0]*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04FC) /*CLKREQ#[x] shall be evaluated during PCIe in D0 S0ix entry and exit criteria checking*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0264*/ questionid = 0x01C2, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04FE) /*Enable CLKREQ#[1]*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04FC) /*CLKREQ#[x] shall be evaluated during PCIe in D0 S0ix entry and exit criteria checking*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0265*/ questionid = 0x01C3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04FF) /*Enable CLKREQ#[2]*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04FC) /*CLKREQ#[x] shall be evaluated during PCIe in D0 S0ix entry and exit criteria checking*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0266*/ questionid = 0x01C4, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0500) /*Enable CLKREQ#[3]*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x04FC) /*CLKREQ#[x] shall be evaluated during PCIe in D0 S0ix entry and exit criteria checking*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0267*/ questionid = 0x01C5, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0501) /*S0ix LTR Threshold (Latency Scale)*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0502) /*PCIe S0ix LTR Threshold : Latency Scale*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x5, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0503) /*1ns*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0504) /*32ns*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0505) /*1024ns*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0506) /*32,768ns*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0507) /*1,048,576ns*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0508) /*33,554,432ns*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; endoneof; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0268*/ questionid = 0x01C6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0509) /*PCIe S0ix LTR Threshold (Latency Value)*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x050A) /*PCIe S0ix LTR Threshold: Latency Value – This value is multiplied by Latency Scale*/, maximum = 200, minimum = 1, step = 0x1, default = 150, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 150, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2785, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03C0) /*LPSS & SCC Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03C4) /*SCC Configuration*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03C5) /*eMMC: Not Installed / Disabled*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0209*/ questionid = 0x01C7, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03C6) /*SCC eMMC Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03C7) /*SCC eMMC Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03C2) /*ACPI mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03C3) /*PCI mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x029A*/ questionid = 0x01C8, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0407) /*eMMC Secure Erase*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0408) /*Disable/Enable eMMC Secure Erase. When enabled, all the data on eMMC will be erased.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x020A*/ questionid = 0x01C9, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03D0) /*eMMC Write Protect*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03D1) /*Disable/Enable eMMC Write Protect.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x020B*/ questionid = 0x01CA, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03D2) /*GPP Lock*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03D3) /*Enable GPP Lock*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03D4) /*Read/Write*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03D5) /*Read Only*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0203*/ questionid = 0x01CB, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03C8) /*SCC SDIO Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03C9) /*SCC SDIO Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0204*/ questionid = 0x01CC, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03CA) /*SCC SD Card Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03CB) /*SCC SD Card Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02A0*/ questionid = 0x01CD, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03E6) /* eMMC TX DLL Tuning Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03E7) /* Enable/Disable eMMC TX DLL Tuning Support*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02A8*/ questionid = 0x01CE, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03E4) /* eMMC RX DLL Tuning Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03E5) /* Enable/Disable eMMC RX DLL Tuning Support*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x01CD == 1 OR ideqval 0x01CE == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02A1*/ questionid = 0x01CF, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03DE) /* eMMC Driver Operating Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03DF) /*Selects the operating frequency in eMMC Driver*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03E0) /*Auto Detect*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03E1) /*Up to 52 MHz*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03E2) /*Up to 26 MHz*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03E3) /*Basic Frequency*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0206*/ questionid = 0x01D0, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03DA) /*SCC SDIO Mode for WIFI*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03DB) /*Select SDIO mode for WIFI.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x2, default = 3, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03DC) /*Default*/, value = 3, flags = 0x20; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03DD) /*DDR50*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03E8) /*LPSS Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01F3*/ questionid = 0x01D1, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03E9) /*LPSS DMA #1 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03EA) /*LPSS DMA #1 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01FB*/ questionid = 0x01D2, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03EB) /*LPSS DMA #2 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03EC) /*LPSS DMA #2 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; grayoutif ideqval 0x01D2 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01FC*/ questionid = 0x01D3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03ED) /*LPSS I2C #1 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03EE) /*LPSS I2C #1 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01FD*/ questionid = 0x01D4, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03EF) /*LPSS I2C #2 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03F0) /*LPSS I2C #2 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01FE*/ questionid = 0x01D5, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03F1) /*LPSS I2C #3 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03F2) /*LPSS I2C #3 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01FF*/ questionid = 0x01D6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03F3) /*LPSS I2C #4 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03F4) /*LPSS I2C #4 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0200*/ questionid = 0x01D7, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03F5) /*LPSS I2C #5 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03F6) /*LPSS I2C #5 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0201*/ questionid = 0x01D8, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03F7) /*LPSS I2C #6 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03F8) /*LPSS I2C #6 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0202*/ questionid = 0x01D9, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03F9) /*LPSS I2C #7 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03FA) /*LPSS I2C #7 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x01D1 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01F6*/ questionid = 0x01DA, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03FB) /*LPSS HSUART #1 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03FC) /*LPSS HSUART #1 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 2, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01F7*/ questionid = 0x01DB, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03FD) /*LPSS HSUART #2 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03FE) /*LPSS HSUART #2 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01F4*/ questionid = 0x01DC, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03FF) /*LPSS PWM #1 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0400) /*LPSS PWM #1 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01F5*/ questionid = 0x01DD, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0401) /*LPSS PWM #2 Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0402) /*LPSS PWM #2 Support Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01F8*/ questionid = 0x01DE, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0403) /*LPSS SPISupport* A 0/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0404) /*LPSS SPISupport Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01F9*/ questionid = 0x01DF, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0403) /*LPSS SPISupport*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0404) /*LPSS SPISupport Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01FA*/ questionid = 0x01E0, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0403) /*LPSS SPISupport*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0404) /*LPSS SPISupport Enable\Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0527) /*ACPI Mode*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0526) /*PCI Mode*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x029D*/ questionid = 0x01E1, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x040A) /*Bluetooth Module Selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x040B) /*Bluetooth Module: BCRM STP LNP*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x3, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x040C) /*BCRM*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x040D) /*STP*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x040E) /*LNP*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x01E1 == 2 OR ideqval 0x01E1 == 3; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x029E*/ questionid = 0x01E2, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0409) /*Bluetooth Devices*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x040F) /*Bluetooth Devices Select: BCM2E3A BCM2E64*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0412) /*BCM2E7B*/, value = 4, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0411) /*BCM2E64*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0410) /*BCM2E3A*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x029F*/ questionid = 0x01E3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0416) /*RVP Camera Selection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0417) /*Select Camera Device*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0418) /*Cynthiana_2B*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0419) /*Cynthiana_2B_CR*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x024A == 1 OR ideqval 0x024A == 9 OR ideqval 0x024A == 10; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x041A) /*Secure NFC Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02A3*/ questionid = 0x01E4, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x041B) /*Secure NFC*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x041C) /*Secure NFC - Enable/Disable*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x041D) /*GPS Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02A9*/ questionid = 0x01E5, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x041E) /*GPS*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x041F) /*Enable/Disable GPS*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A5) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x03A4) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endform; form formid = 0x2718, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0023) /*Boot*/; suppressif ideqval 0x01E6 == 1 OR (NOT ideqval 0x01E6 == 1); numeric varid = 0x0008, questionid = 0x01E6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0031) /*Setup Prompt Timeout*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0032) /*Number of seconds to wait for setup activation key. 65535(0xFFFF) means indefinite waiting.*/, maximum = 65535, minimum = 1, step = 0x1, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0001, endnumeric; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x01E7 == 1; checkbox varid = 0x0006, /*varoffset = 0x0080*/ questionid = 0x01E7, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0024) /*Quiet Boot*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0025) /*Enables or disables Quiet Boot option*/, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0001, endcheckbox; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x01EA == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0032*/ questionid = 0x01E8, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0028) /*Boot Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x002D) /*Select Boot Mode from "Fast", "Normal" or "Compatible". When "Fast" is selected, there are some restrictions. If your specific USB Boot device does not operate correctly, please try "Compatible".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x002A) /*Fast*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x002B) /*Normal*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x002F) /*Compatible*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x01EA == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0031*/ questionid = 0x01E9, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0028) /*Boot Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x002E) /*Select Boot Mode from "Normal" or "Compatible". If your specific USB Boot device does not operate correctly, please try "Compatible".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x002B) /*Normal*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x002F) /*Compatible*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0017 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02DB*/ questionid = 0x01EA, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F0) /*UEFI Boot*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F1) /*Select whether the UEFI Boot is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled". If you want to use UEFI OS, select "Enabled". (Information) If you change "Factory Setting", Preinstalled OS does not operate correctly.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F3) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07F2) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0249 == 0; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x052C) /*Driver Option Priorities*/; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0249 == 65535; oneof varid = 0x001A, questionid = 0x01EB, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x052D) /*Driver Option #%d*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x052E) /*Sets the system driver order*/, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, value = 0, flags = 0x11; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, value = 1, flags = 0x01; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x01EC == 0 1; checkbox varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02DD*/ questionid = 0x01EC, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, endcheckbox; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x01EC == 0 1; oneof varid = 0x0026, questionid = 0x01ED, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; suppressif ideqvallist 0x01EA == 1 2; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x081E) /*Boot Option Priorities*/; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x01EA == 1 2; label 10155; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0248 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02DF*/ questionid = 0x1000, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x082D) /*Boot Option #1*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0820) /*Sets the system boot order.*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x6, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0825) /*USB Floppy Disk*/, value = 0, flags = 0x31; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0821) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 1, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0824) /*USB Optical Drive*/, value = 2, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0822) /*LAN*/, value = 3, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0826) /*USB Key*/, value = 4, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0823) /*USB Hard Disk*/, value = 5, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0863) /*Disabled*/, value = 6, flags = 0x01; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0248 == 0 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02E1*/ questionid = 0x1001, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x082E) /*Boot Option #2*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0820) /*Sets the system boot order.*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x6, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0825) /*USB Floppy Disk*/, value = 0, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0821) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 1, flags = 0x31; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0824) /*USB Optical Drive*/, value = 2, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0822) /*LAN*/, value = 3, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0826) /*USB Key*/, value = 4, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0823) /*USB Hard Disk*/, value = 5, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0863) /*Disabled*/, value = 6, flags = 0x01; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0248 == 0 1 2; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02E3*/ questionid = 0x1002, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x082F) /*Boot Option #3*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0820) /*Sets the system boot order.*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x6, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0825) /*USB Floppy Disk*/, value = 0, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0821) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 1, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0824) /*USB Optical Drive*/, value = 2, flags = 0x31; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0822) /*LAN*/, value = 3, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0826) /*USB Key*/, value = 4, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0823) /*USB Hard Disk*/, value = 5, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0863) /*Disabled*/, value = 6, flags = 0x01; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0248 == 0 1 2 3; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02E5*/ questionid = 0x1003, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0830) /*Boot Option #4*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0820) /*Sets the system boot order.*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x6, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0825) /*USB Floppy Disk*/, value = 0, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0821) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 1, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0824) /*USB Optical Drive*/, value = 2, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0822) /*LAN*/, value = 3, flags = 0x31; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0826) /*USB Key*/, value = 4, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0823) /*USB Hard Disk*/, value = 5, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0863) /*Disabled*/, value = 6, flags = 0x01; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0248 == 0 1 2 3 4; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02E7*/ questionid = 0x1004, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0831) /*Boot Option #5*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0820) /*Sets the system boot order.*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x6, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0825) /*USB Floppy Disk*/, value = 0, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0821) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 1, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0824) /*USB Optical Drive*/, value = 2, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0822) /*LAN*/, value = 3, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0826) /*USB Key*/, value = 4, flags = 0x31; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0823) /*USB Hard Disk*/, value = 5, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0863) /*Disabled*/, value = 6, flags = 0x01; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0248 == 0 1 2 3 4 5; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02E9*/ questionid = 0x1005, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0832) /*Boot Option #6*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0820) /*Sets the system boot order.*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x6, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0825) /*USB Floppy Disk*/, value = 0, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0821) /*Hard Disk*/, value = 1, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0824) /*USB Optical Drive*/, value = 2, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0822) /*LAN*/, value = 3, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0826) /*USB Key*/, value = 4, flags = 0x01; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0823) /*USB Hard Disk*/, value = 5, flags = 0x31; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0863) /*Disabled*/, value = 6, flags = 0x01; endoneof; endif; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x01EA == 0; goto 0x27AE, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x01EE, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0850) /*UEFI Priorities*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0851) /*Sets the system boot order.*/; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endform; form formid = 0x27AE, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0850) /*UEFI Priorities*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0850) /*UEFI Priorities*/; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; label 10159; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0247 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0026, /*varoffset = 0x0090*/ questionid = 0x1400, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x082D) /*Boot Option #1*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0039) /*Sets the system boot order*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x8, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0852) /*UEFI_BOOT_1*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0853) /*UEFI_BOOT_2*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0854) /*UEFI_BOOT_3*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0855) /*UEFI_BOOT_4*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0856) /*UEFI_BOOT_5*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0857) /*UEFI_BOOT_6*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0858) /*UEFI_BOOT_7*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0859) /*UEFI_BOOT_8*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0247 == 0 1; oneof varid = 0x0026, /*varoffset = 0x0091*/ questionid = 0x1401, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x082E) /*Boot Option #2*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0039) /*Sets the system boot order*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x8, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0852) /*UEFI_BOOT_1*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0853) /*UEFI_BOOT_2*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0854) /*UEFI_BOOT_3*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0855) /*UEFI_BOOT_4*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0856) /*UEFI_BOOT_5*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0857) /*UEFI_BOOT_6*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0858) /*UEFI_BOOT_7*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0859) /*UEFI_BOOT_8*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0247 == 0 1 2; oneof varid = 0x0026, /*varoffset = 0x0092*/ questionid = 0x1402, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x082F) /*Boot Option #3*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0039) /*Sets the system boot order*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x8, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0852) /*UEFI_BOOT_1*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0853) /*UEFI_BOOT_2*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0854) /*UEFI_BOOT_3*/, value = 2, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0855) /*UEFI_BOOT_4*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0856) /*UEFI_BOOT_5*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0857) /*UEFI_BOOT_6*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0858) /*UEFI_BOOT_7*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0859) /*UEFI_BOOT_8*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0247 == 0 1 2 3; oneof varid = 0x0026, /*varoffset = 0x0093*/ questionid = 0x1403, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0830) /*Boot Option #4*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0039) /*Sets the system boot order*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x8, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0852) /*UEFI_BOOT_1*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0853) /*UEFI_BOOT_2*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0854) /*UEFI_BOOT_3*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0855) /*UEFI_BOOT_4*/, value = 3, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0856) /*UEFI_BOOT_5*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0857) /*UEFI_BOOT_6*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0858) /*UEFI_BOOT_7*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0859) /*UEFI_BOOT_8*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0247 == 0 1 2 3 4; oneof varid = 0x0026, /*varoffset = 0x0094*/ questionid = 0x1404, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0831) /*Boot Option #5*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0039) /*Sets the system boot order*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x8, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0852) /*UEFI_BOOT_1*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0853) /*UEFI_BOOT_2*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0854) /*UEFI_BOOT_3*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0855) /*UEFI_BOOT_4*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0856) /*UEFI_BOOT_5*/, value = 4, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0857) /*UEFI_BOOT_6*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0858) /*UEFI_BOOT_7*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0859) /*UEFI_BOOT_8*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0247 == 0 1 2 3 4 5; oneof varid = 0x0026, /*varoffset = 0x0095*/ questionid = 0x1405, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0832) /*Boot Option #6*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0039) /*Sets the system boot order*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x8, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0852) /*UEFI_BOOT_1*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0853) /*UEFI_BOOT_2*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0854) /*UEFI_BOOT_3*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0855) /*UEFI_BOOT_4*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0856) /*UEFI_BOOT_5*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0857) /*UEFI_BOOT_6*/, value = 5, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0858) /*UEFI_BOOT_7*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0859) /*UEFI_BOOT_8*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0247 == 0 1 2 3 4 5 6; oneof varid = 0x0026, /*varoffset = 0x0096*/ questionid = 0x1406, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0833) /*Boot Option #7*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0039) /*Sets the system boot order*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x8, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0852) /*UEFI_BOOT_1*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0853) /*UEFI_BOOT_2*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0854) /*UEFI_BOOT_3*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0855) /*UEFI_BOOT_4*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0856) /*UEFI_BOOT_5*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0857) /*UEFI_BOOT_6*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0858) /*UEFI_BOOT_7*/, value = 6, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0859) /*UEFI_BOOT_8*/, value = 7, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0247 == 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; oneof varid = 0x0026, /*varoffset = 0x0097*/ questionid = 0x1407, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0834) /*Boot Option #8*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0039) /*Sets the system boot order*/, flags = 0x0004, maximum = 0x8, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0852) /*UEFI_BOOT_1*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0853) /*UEFI_BOOT_2*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0854) /*UEFI_BOOT_3*/, value = 2, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0855) /*UEFI_BOOT_4*/, value = 3, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0856) /*UEFI_BOOT_5*/, value = 4, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0857) /*UEFI_BOOT_6*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0858) /*UEFI_BOOT_7*/, value = 6, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0859) /*UEFI_BOOT_8*/, value = 7, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 8, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x01EA == 1; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x085A) /*UEFI Boot Device Control*/; endif; suppressif (NOT ideqval 0x01EA == 1) OR ideqval 0x0246 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x031F*/ questionid = 0x01EF, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x085B) /*UEFI Boot from Hard Disk*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x085C) /*Select whether UEFI Boot function from Hard Disk is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif (NOT ideqval 0x01EA == 1) OR ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x022B == 0 OR ideqval 0x0245 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0320*/ questionid = 0x01F0, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x085D) /*UEFI Boot from Optical Drive*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x085E) /*Select whether UEFI Boot function from Optical Drive is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif (NOT ideqval 0x01EA == 1) OR ideqval 0x0244 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0321*/ questionid = 0x01F1, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0861) /*UEFI Boot from LAN*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0862) /*Select whether UEFI Boot function from LAN is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif (NOT ideqval 0x01EA == 1) OR ideqval 0x0243 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0322*/ questionid = 0x01F2, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x085F) /*UEFI Boot from USB*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0860) /*Select whether UEFI Boot function from USB devices is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x271A, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0045) /*Security*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0728) /*Boot Prompt Configuration*/; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x01EA == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0040*/ questionid = 0x01F3, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0742) /*Setup Utility Prompt*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0743) /*When the "Setup Utility Prompt" is set to "Enabled", the message "Press F2 for Setup/F12 for LAN" is displayed on the "Panasonic" boot screen. When the "Setup Utility Prompt" is set to "Disabled", the message is not displayed on the "Panasonic" boot screen.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0242 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0041*/ questionid = 0x01F4, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0744) /*Boot Popup Menu*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0745) /*Select whether the Boot Popup Menu is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled". When "Enabled" is selected, authorized users will be allowed to override the system boot devices.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x003B*/ questionid = 0x01F5, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0733) /*Password On Boot*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0734) /*Select whether password entry is to be enabled or disabled at boot. Note that when a supervisor password or a user password is set, password entry is required at boot.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; suppressif FALSE; suppressif ideqval 0x0241 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x003C*/ questionid = 0x01F6, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0736) /* Password On Reboot*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0737) /*Select whether password entry is to be "Same as Boot" or "Disabled" at reboot. Note that when "Same as Boot" is selected, password entry at reboot follows "Password On Boot" setting.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0738) /*Same as Boot*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; endif; suppressif FALSE; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x01EA == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x01F5 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0045*/ questionid = 0x01F7, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0746) /* Password On Resume*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0749) /*Select whether password entry is to be enabled or disabled at Hibernation Resume.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; endif; suppressif FALSE; suppressif ideqval 0x01EA == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x01F5 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0045*/ questionid = 0x01F8, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0746) /* Password On Resume*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x074B) /*Select whether password entry is to be enabled or disabled at Hibernation Resume or Windows Fast Startup.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0011 == 1 OR ideqval 0x01EA == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0048*/ questionid = 0x01F9, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0751) /*Boot Device On Hibernation Resume*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0752) /*Select whether the boot device is limited only to the internal Hard Disk on Hibernation resume or try to boot from other devices that have higher priorities than the internal Hard Disk.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0754) /*Try prior devices*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0753) /*Hard Disk only*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqvallist 0x023F == 1 2 3; password varid = 0x0006, /*varoffset = 0x0040*/ questionid = 0x01FA, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0729) /*Set Supervisor Password*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x072A) /*Once sets, the Supervisor Password must be entered in order to access the Setup Utility. If "Enabled" is selected under the "Password On Boot" setting, a password is required to access the system startup. "Hard Disk Lock" can be selected only after the supervisor password has been set.*/, minsize = 0, maxsize = 32, endpassword; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x023F == 0; password varid = 0x0006, /*varoffset = 0x0040*/ questionid = 0x01FB, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0729) /*Set Supervisor Password*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x072A) /*Once sets, the Supervisor Password must be entered in order to access the Setup Utility. If "Enabled" is selected under the "Password On Boot" setting, a password is required to access the system startup. "Hard Disk Lock" can be selected only after the supervisor password has been set.*/, minsize = 6, maxsize = 32, endpassword; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0240 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x01FB == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x003A*/ questionid = 0x01FC, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x072D) /*Hard Disk Lock*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x072E) /*When "Enabled" is selected, the internal hard disk is also locked by your supervisor password which you entered already. Note that you will not be able to access the hard disk or to recover the data in the hard disk by any means, if you forget your supervisor password.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0043*/ questionid = 0x01FD, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x072F) /*User Password Protection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0730) /*Select whether the changes in the user password settings are to be permitted or prohibited. When "Protected" is selected, the user password can no longer be changed.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0732) /*No Protection*/, value = 0, flags = 0x10; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0731) /*Protected*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x023F == 1 2 3; grayoutif ideqval 0x01FD == 1 OR ideqval 0x01FB == 0; password varid = 0x0006, questionid = 0x01FE, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x072B) /*Set User Password*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x072C) /*Setting the user password and selecting "Enabled" under the "Password On Boot" setting, a password is required to start up the system. This setting adds another level of restriction to the Setup Utility in comparison to the supervisor access.*/, minsize = 0, maxsize = 32, endpassword; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023F == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x01FD == 1 OR ideqval 0x01FB == 0; password varid = 0x0006, questionid = 0x01FF, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x072B) /*Set User Password*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x072C) /*Setting the user password and selecting "Enabled" under the "Password On Boot" setting, a password is required to start up the system. This setting adds another level of restriction to the Setup Utility in comparison to the supervisor access.*/, minsize = 6, maxsize = 32, endpassword; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023F == 0; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023F == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x01FB == 0; checkbox varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x003E*/ questionid = 0x0200, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0739) /*Self-defensive Security*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x073A) /*Select whether the Self-defensive Security Function is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled". */, endcheckbox; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023F == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x0200 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x003F*/ questionid = 0x0201, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x073B) /* Password Retry Limit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x073C) /*Select Password Retry limit number of times. If you enter wrong Passwords up to the selected limit number consecutively, the Self-defensive Security function will be invoked.*/, maximum = 0x99, minimum = 0x5, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x073D) /*5 Times*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x073E) /*10 Times*/, value = 10, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x073F) /*15 Times*/, value = 15, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0740) /*20 Times*/, value = 20, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0741) /*99 Times*/, value = 99, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023F == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0046*/ questionid = 0x0202, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x074D) /*Standby Hotkey*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x074E) /*Select whether the Standby Hotkey (+) is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled".*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqvallist 0x023E == 0 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0235 == 1 OR ideqval 0x023D == 1; goto 0x2724, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x2721, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0625) /*Embedded Security (TPM)*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0626) /*Press Enter to the Embedded Security (TPM) Sub-Menu.*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0235 == 0 OR ideqval 0x023D == 1; goto 0x2725, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x2722, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0625) /*Embedded Security (TPM)*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0626) /*Press Enter to the Embedded Security (TPM) Sub-Menu.*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023D == 0; goto 0x2723, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0203, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0625) /*Embedded Security (TPM)*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0626) /*Press Enter to the Embedded Security (TPM) Sub-Menu.*/; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x01EA == 0 OR ideqval 0x0016 == 1; goto 0x278F, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x278E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05CE) /*Secure Boot*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05CF) /*Press Enter to the Secure Boot Sub-Menu.*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2723, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0625) /*Embedded Security (TPM)*/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x063A) /*TPM Configuration*/; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000E*/ questionid = 0x0204, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0629) /* Security Device Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x064C) /*Enables or Disables BIOS support for security device. O.S. will not show Security Device. TCG EFI protocol and INT1A interface will not be available.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0635) /*Disable*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0634) /*Enable*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x064D) /* NO Security Device Found*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endform; form formid = 0x2724, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0625) /*Embedded Security (TPM)*/; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x001C*/ questionid = 0x0205, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x062D) /*Sub-Menu Protection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x062E) /*Select whether this Sub-Menu in user mode is permitted or prohibited to change.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x062F) /*No Protection*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0630) /*Protected*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x063A) /*TPM Configuration*/; suppressif ideqval 0x0204 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000E*/ questionid = 0x0206, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0629) /* Security Device Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x064C) /*Enables or Disables BIOS support for security device. O.S. will not show Security Device. TCG EFI protocol and INT1A interface will not be available.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0635) /*Disable*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0634) /*Enable*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023C == 0 OR ideqval 0x0206 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 AND ideqval 0x0205 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0009*/ questionid = 0x0207, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0627) /* TPM State*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x062C) /*Turn TPM On/Off. The system will reboot during restart in order to change State of TPM.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0637) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0636) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023C == 0 OR ideqval 0x0206 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 AND ideqval 0x0205 == 1 OR (ideqval 0x0210 == 1 OR ideqval 0x020F == 1); oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000A*/ questionid = 0x0208, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0638) /* Pending TPM operation*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x064B) /*Schedule TPM operation. The system will reboot during restart in order to change State of TPM. CAUTION: Clearing erases information stored on the TPM. You will lose all created keys and access to data encrypted by these keys.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x5, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0633) /*None*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0631) /*Clear TPM Owner*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023B == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000E*/ questionid = 0x0209, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x062A) /* Security Device Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x064C) /*Enables or Disables BIOS support for security device. O.S. will not show Security Device. TCG EFI protocol and INT1A interface will not be available.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0635) /*Disable*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0634) /*Enable*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023B == 0 OR ideqval 0x0209 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0009*/ questionid = 0x020A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0628) /* TCM State*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x062C) /*Turn TPM On/Off. The system will reboot during restart in order to change State of TPM.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0637) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0636) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023B == 0 OR ideqval 0x0209 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 AND ideqval 0x0205 == 1 OR (ideqval 0x0210 == 1 OR ideqval 0x020F == 1); oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000A*/ questionid = 0x020B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0638) /* Pending TPM operation*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x064B) /*Schedule TPM operation. The system will reboot during restart in order to change State of TPM. CAUTION: Clearing erases information stored on the TPM. You will lose all created keys and access to data encrypted by these keys.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x5, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0633) /*None*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0631) /*Clear TPM Owner*/, value = 5, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x063C) /*Current TPM Status Information*/; suppressif ideqval 0x023C == 0 OR ideqval 0x0209 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x020A == 0 OR ideqval 0x020A == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000B*/ questionid = 0x020C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x063D) /* TPM Enabled Status:*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0641) /*Provides the current Capability state of the TPM*/, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0642) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0645) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023C == 0 OR ideqval 0x0209 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x020A == 0 OR ideqval 0x020A == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000C*/ questionid = 0x020D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x063F) /* TPM Active Status:*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0641) /*Provides the current Capability state of the TPM*/, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0644) /*Deactivated*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0643) /*Activated*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023C == 0 OR ideqval 0x0209 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x020A == 0 OR ideqval 0x020A == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000D*/ questionid = 0x020E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0646) /* TPM Owner Status:*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0648) /*Provides current TPM Ownership state. ie: Owned or UnOwned*/, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0649) /*Owned*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x064A) /*UnOwned*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023B == 0 OR ideqval 0x0209 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x020A == 0 OR ideqval 0x020A == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000B*/ questionid = 0x020F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x063E) /* TCM Enabled Status:*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0641) /*Provides the current Capability state of the TPM*/, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0642) /*Disabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0645) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023B == 0 OR ideqval 0x0209 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x020A == 0 OR ideqval 0x020A == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000C*/ questionid = 0x0210, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0640) /* TCM Active Status:*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0641) /*Provides the current Capability state of the TPM*/, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0644) /*Deactivated*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0643) /*Activated*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x023B == 0 OR ideqval 0x0209 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x020A == 0 OR ideqval 0x020A == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000D*/ questionid = 0x0211, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0647) /* TCM Owner Status:*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0648) /*Provides current TPM Ownership state. ie: Owned or UnOwned*/, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0649) /*Owned*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x064A) /*UnOwned*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2725, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0625) /*Embedded Security (TPM)*/; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x001C*/ questionid = 0x0212, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x062D) /*Sub-Menu Protection*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x062E) /*Select whether this Sub-Menu in user mode is permitted or prohibited to change.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x062F) /*No Protection*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0630) /*Protected*/, value = 1, flags = 0x10; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0654) /*TPM2.0 Configuration*/; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0235 == 0 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000E*/ questionid = 0x0213, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0629) /* Security Device Support*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x064C) /*Enables or Disables BIOS support for security device. O.S. will not show Security Device. TCG EFI protocol and INT1A interface will not be available.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0635) /*Disable*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0634) /*Enable*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0213 == 0; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0669) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0668) /* Active PCR banks*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x066A) /*N/A, reset required*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0213 == 0; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x066C) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x066B) /* Available PCR banks*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x066D) /*N/A, reset required*/; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x021E == 1; suppressif ideqval 0x0213 == 0 OR ideqval 0x023A == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0023*/ questionid = 0x0214, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x066E) /* SHA-1 PCR Bank*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x066F) /*Enable or Disable SHA-1 PCR Bank*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0642) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0645) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0213 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0239 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0024*/ questionid = 0x0215, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0670) /* SHA256 PCR Bank*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0671) /*Enable or Disable SHA256 PCR Bank*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0642) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0645) /*Enabled*/, value = 2, flags = 0x20; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0213 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0238 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0025*/ questionid = 0x0216, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0672) /* SHA384 PCR Bank*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0673) /*Enable or Disable SHA384 PCR Bank*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x4, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0642) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0645) /*Enabled*/, value = 4, flags = 0x20; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0213 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0237 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0026*/ questionid = 0x0217, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0674) /* SHA512 PCR Bank*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0675) /*Enable or Disable SHA512 PCR Bank*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x8, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0642) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0645) /*Enabled*/, value = 8, flags = 0x20; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0213 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0236 == 0; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0027*/ questionid = 0x0218, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0676) /* SM3_256 PCR Bank*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0677) /*Enable or Disable SM3_256 PCR Bank*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0642) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0645) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0213 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1 AND ideqval 0x0212 == 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0009*/ questionid = 0x0219, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0627) /* TPM State*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x062C) /*Turn TPM On/Off. The system will reboot during restart in order to change State of TPM.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0637) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0636) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000A*/ questionid = 0x021A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0639) /* Pending TPM operation*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x064B) /*Schedule TPM operation. The system will reboot during restart in order to change State of TPM. CAUTION: Clearing erases information stored on the TPM. You will lose all created keys and access to data encrypted by these keys.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0633) /*None*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0631) /*Clear TPM Owner*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; suppressif ideqvallist 0x0235 == 0 1; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0017*/ questionid = 0x021B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0655) /* Platform Hierarchy*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0656) /*Enable or Disable Platform Hierarchy*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0642) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0645) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0018*/ questionid = 0x021C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0657) /* Storage Hierarchy*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0658) /*Enable or Disable Storage Hierarchy*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0642) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0645) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0019*/ questionid = 0x021D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0659) /* Endorsement Hierarchy*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x065A) /*Enable or Disable Endorsement Hierarchy*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0642) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0645) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0016*/ questionid = 0x021E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0650) /* TPM2.0 UEFI Spec Version*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0651) /*Select the TCG2 Spec Version Support, TCG_1_2: the Compatible mode for Win8/Win10, TCG_2: Support new TCG2 protocol and event format for Win10 or later*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x2, minimum = 0x1, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0652) /*TCG_1_2*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0653) /*TCG_2*/, value = 2, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0213 == 0; grayoutif FALSE; oneof varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x001A*/ questionid = 0x021F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x065B) /* TPM 20 InterfaceType*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x065C) /* Select the Communication Interface to TPM 20 Device.*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0661) /*CRB*/, value = 0, flags = 0x30; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0662) /*TIS*/, value = 1, flags = 0x00; endoneof; endif; endif; endform; form formid = 0x278F, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05CE) /*Secure Boot*/; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x0233 == 0; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05E2) /*System Mode state*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05E3) /*User*/; endif; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x0233 == 1; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05E2) /*System Mode state*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0007) /*Setup*/; endif; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x0234 == 0; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05E4) /*Secure Boot state*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/; endif; suppressif NOT ideqval 0x0234 == 1; text help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05E4) /*Secure Boot state*/, text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/; endif; suppressif FALSE; oneof varid = 0x001C, /*varoffset = 0x0003*/ questionid = 0x0220, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05D6) /*Vendor Keys*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05CB) /**/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x0, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x20; endoneof; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; oneof varid = 0x001C, questionid = 0x2790, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05CC) /*Secure Boot control*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05CD) /*Select whether the Secure Boot is to be "Enabled" or "Disabled". Secure Boot is possible only if System runs in User Mode.*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 1, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; endoneof; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x022B == 0; oneof varid = 0x001C, /*varoffset = 0x0001*/ questionid = 0x0221, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05D0) /*Secure Boot Mode*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05D3) /*Secure Boot mode selector. 'Custom' Mode enables users to change Image Execution policy and manage Secure Boot Keys*/, flags = 0x0010, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05D1) /*Standard*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05D2) /*Custom*/, value = 1, flags = 0x30; endoneof; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x0233 == 1 OR ideqval 0x2794 == 1 OR ideqval 0x0221 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; goto 0x278F, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x2795, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05EF) /*Clear Secure Boot keys*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05F1) /*Force System to Setup Mode - clear all Secure Boot Variables. Change takes effect after reboot.*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x0233 == 0 AND ideqval 0x2794 == 0 OR ideqval 0x0221 == 0; grayoutif ideqval 0x022B == 1; goto 0x278F, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x2796, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05F3) /*Install default Secure Boot keys*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05F2) /*Force System to User Mode - install default Secure Boot Variables(PK,KEK,db,dbx). Change takes effect after reboot.*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1 OR ideqval 0x022B == 0; goto 0x2793, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x2792, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05ED) /*Key Management*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05EE) /*Enables experienced users to modify Secure Boot variables*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; endform; form formid = 0x2793, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05ED) /*Key Management*/; oneof varid = 0x001C, /*varoffset = 0x0002*/ questionid = 0x2794, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05EB) /*Provision Factory Default keys*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05EC) /*Install factory default Secure Boot keys when System is in Setup Mode*/, flags = 0x0014, maximum = 0x1, minimum = 0x0, default = 0, defaultstore = 0x0000, option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0004) /*Disabled*/, value = 0, flags = 0x00; option text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0003) /*Enabled*/, value = 1, flags = 0x20; endoneof; grayoutif ideqval 0x0232 == 0 AND ideqval 0x0231 == 0 AND ideqval 0x0230 == 0 AND ideqval 0x022F == 0 AND ideqval 0x022E == 0; goto 0x2793, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x2797, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05F0) /*Save all Secure Boot variables*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05F6) /*Save NVRAM content of all Secure Boot variables to the files (EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST data format) in root folder on a target file system device*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05FB) /*Secure Boot variable | Size| Key#| Key source*/; goto 0x2793, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x2798, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05FC) /* */, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05FA) /*Enroll Factory Defaults or load the keys from a file with: 1.Public Key Certificate in: a)EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST b)EFI_CERT_X509 (DER encoded) c)EFI_CERT_RSA2048 (bin) d)EFI_CERT_SHA256 (bin) 2.Authenticated UEFI Variable Key source:Default,Custom,Mixed (*) modified from Setup menu*/, flags = 0x0004; goto 0x2793, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x2799, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05FE) /* */, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05FA) /*Enroll Factory Defaults or load the keys from a file with: 1.Public Key Certificate in: a)EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST b)EFI_CERT_X509 (DER encoded) c)EFI_CERT_RSA2048 (bin) d)EFI_CERT_SHA256 (bin) 2.Authenticated UEFI Variable Key source:Default,Custom,Mixed (*) modified from Setup menu*/, flags = 0x0004; goto 0x2793, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x279A, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0600) /* */, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05FA) /*Enroll Factory Defaults or load the keys from a file with: 1.Public Key Certificate in: a)EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST b)EFI_CERT_X509 (DER encoded) c)EFI_CERT_RSA2048 (bin) d)EFI_CERT_SHA256 (bin) 2.Authenticated UEFI Variable Key source:Default,Custom,Mixed (*) modified from Setup menu*/, flags = 0x0004; goto 0x2793, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x279B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0602) /* */, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05FA) /*Enroll Factory Defaults or load the keys from a file with: 1.Public Key Certificate in: a)EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST b)EFI_CERT_X509 (DER encoded) c)EFI_CERT_RSA2048 (bin) d)EFI_CERT_SHA256 (bin) 2.Authenticated UEFI Variable Key source:Default,Custom,Mixed (*) modified from Setup menu*/, flags = 0x0004; goto 0x2793, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x279C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0604) /* */, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x05FA) /*Enroll Factory Defaults or load the keys from a file with: 1.Public Key Certificate in: a)EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST b)EFI_CERT_X509 (DER encoded) c)EFI_CERT_RSA2048 (bin) d)EFI_CERT_SHA256 (bin) 2.Authenticated UEFI Variable Key source:Default,Custom,Mixed (*) modified from Setup menu*/, flags = 0x0004; endform; form formid = 0x271B, title = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0054) /*Exit*/; suppressif ideqval 0x001B == 0; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x271C, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0055) /*Save Changes and Exit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0056) /*Exit system setup after saving the changes.*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x001B == 0; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x271D, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0057) /*Discard Changes and Exit*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0058) /*Exit system setup without saving any changes.*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x022D == 9; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0222, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0059) /*Save Values and Reboot*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x005A) /*Reboot the system after saving the changes.*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x022D == 10; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0223, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x005B) /*Reboot Without Saving Changes*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x005C) /*Reboot the system without saving the changes.*/; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x005D) /*Save Options*/; suppressif ideqval 0x022D == 3; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0224, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x005E) /*Save Current Values*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x005F) /*Save the changes for all Setup options.*/; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x022D == 4; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0225, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0060) /*Load Previous Values*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0061) /*Load previous values for all Setup options.*/; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x022B == 1; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x271E, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0062) /*Load Default Values*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0063) /*Load default values for all the setup options.*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x001B == 0; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x271F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0064) /*Save as User Defaults*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0065) /*Save the changes done so far as User Defaults.*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; suppressif ideqval 0x001B == 0; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x2720, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0066) /*Restore User Defaults*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0067) /*Restore the User Defaults to all the setup options.*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0068) /*Boot Override*/; suppressif ideqvallist 0x022C == 65535 OR (ideqval 0x022B == 1 AND ideqval 0x01F4 == 0); grayoutif ideqvallist 0x0228 == 1; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0226, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqvallist 0x022A == 1; suppressif ideqval 0x001B == 0; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x0227, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0069) /*Launch EFI Shell from filesystem device*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x006A) /*Attempts to Launch EFI Shell application (Shell.efi) from one of the available filesystem devices*/; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; suppressif ideqval 0x0229 == 1; grayoutif ideqval 0x0228 == 1; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x274B, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07B1) /*Recovery Partition*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x07B2) /*Erase your hard drive or restore the computer to its original factory image (choose either 32-bit or 64-bit).*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; endif; subtitle text = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0002) /**/; grayoutif ideqval 0x0228 == 1; goto 0x271B, /*varoffset = 0xFFFF*/ questionid = 0x274F, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0864) /*Diagnostic Utility*/, help = STRING_TOKEN(STR_0x0865) /*Execute Diagnostic Utility.*/, flags = 0x0004; endif; disableif FALSE; numeric varid = 0x0011, questionid = 0x0228, maximum = 65535, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00B9*/ questionid = 0x0229, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0010, questionid = 0x022A, maximum = 65535, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0004, questionid = 0x022B, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x000F, questionid = 0x022C, maximum = 65535, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0005, questionid = 0x022D, maximum = 65535, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x001D, questionid = 0x022E, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x001D, /*varoffset = 0x0002*/ questionid = 0x022F, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x001D, /*varoffset = 0x0001*/ questionid = 0x0230, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x001D, /*varoffset = 0x0003*/ questionid = 0x0231, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x001D, /*varoffset = 0x0004*/ questionid = 0x0232, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x001F, questionid = 0x0233, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0020, questionid = 0x0234, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0015*/ questionid = 0x0235, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0022*/ questionid = 0x0236, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0021*/ questionid = 0x0237, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0020*/ questionid = 0x0238, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x001F*/ questionid = 0x0239, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x001E*/ questionid = 0x023A, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0010*/ questionid = 0x023B, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x000F*/ questionid = 0x023C, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0011*/ questionid = 0x023D, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0013*/ questionid = 0x023E, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0012, questionid = 0x023F, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01EC*/ questionid = 0x0240, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x003D*/ questionid = 0x0241, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0042*/ questionid = 0x0242, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0326*/ questionid = 0x0243, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0325*/ questionid = 0x0244, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0324*/ questionid = 0x0245, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0323*/ questionid = 0x0246, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0027, /*varoffset = 0x0029*/ questionid = 0x0247, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0327*/ questionid = 0x0248, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0019, questionid = 0x0249, maximum = 65535, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02D0*/ questionid = 0x024A, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x026B*/ questionid = 0x024B, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01B4*/ questionid = 0x024C, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01B2*/ questionid = 0x024D, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x0003*/ questionid = 0x024E, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0059*/ questionid = 0x024F, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0057*/ questionid = 0x0250, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x005C*/ questionid = 0x0251, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0055*/ questionid = 0x0252, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0053*/ questionid = 0x0253, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0051*/ questionid = 0x0254, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00B0*/ questionid = 0x0255, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00AE*/ questionid = 0x0256, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0035*/ questionid = 0x0257, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x032C*/ questionid = 0x0258, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0013, questionid = 0x0259, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0017, /*varoffset = 0x0007*/ questionid = 0x025A, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0017, /*varoffset = 0x0006*/ questionid = 0x025B, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0017, /*varoffset = 0x0003*/ questionid = 0x025C, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0017, /*varoffset = 0x0002*/ questionid = 0x025D, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0017, /*varoffset = 0x0001*/ questionid = 0x025E, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0017, questionid = 0x025F, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0081*/ questionid = 0x0260, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x006E*/ questionid = 0x0261, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x032A*/ questionid = 0x0262, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0070*/ questionid = 0x0263, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0016, questionid = 0x0264, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x009D*/ questionid = 0x0265, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0080*/ questionid = 0x0266, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x007E*/ questionid = 0x0267, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0074*/ questionid = 0x0268, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0072*/ questionid = 0x0269, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0071*/ questionid = 0x026A, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x006F*/ questionid = 0x026B, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x006D*/ questionid = 0x026C, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0089*/ questionid = 0x026D, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02AE*/ questionid = 0x026E, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x02AD*/ questionid = 0x026F, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0024, /*varoffset = 0x0001*/ questionid = 0x0270, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x000F*/ questionid = 0x0271, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x000E*/ questionid = 0x0272, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x000D*/ questionid = 0x0273, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x000C*/ questionid = 0x0274, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x000B*/ questionid = 0x0275, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x000A*/ questionid = 0x0276, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x0009*/ questionid = 0x0277, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x0008*/ questionid = 0x0278, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x0007*/ questionid = 0x0279, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x0006*/ questionid = 0x027A, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x0005*/ questionid = 0x027B, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x0004*/ questionid = 0x027C, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x0003*/ questionid = 0x027D, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x0002*/ questionid = 0x027E, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, /*varoffset = 0x0001*/ questionid = 0x027F, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0022, questionid = 0x0280, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0021, questionid = 0x0281, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0023, /*varoffset = 0x0003*/ questionid = 0x0282, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0023, /*varoffset = 0x0002*/ questionid = 0x0283, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0023, /*varoffset = 0x0001*/ questionid = 0x0284, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0023, questionid = 0x0285, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x01E3*/ questionid = 0x0286, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x001B*/ questionid = 0x0287, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x0009*/ questionid = 0x0288, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x0012*/ questionid = 0x0289, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x000B*/ questionid = 0x028A, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x0015*/ questionid = 0x028B, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x0007*/ questionid = 0x028C, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x0016*/ questionid = 0x028D, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x0017*/ questionid = 0x028E, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x001C*/ questionid = 0x028F, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x001D*/ questionid = 0x0290, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x001E*/ questionid = 0x0291, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, questionid = 0x0292, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x0004*/ questionid = 0x0293, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x000A*/ questionid = 0x0294, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x0002*/ questionid = 0x0295, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x0011*/ questionid = 0x0296, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0018, /*varoffset = 0x000C*/ questionid = 0x0297, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x00BA*/ questionid = 0x0298, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x002B, questionid = 0x0299, maximum = 65535, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x002A, questionid = 0x029A, maximum = 65535, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0029, questionid = 0x029B, maximum = 65535, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0028, questionid = 0x029C, maximum = 65535, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0034*/ questionid = 0x029D, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0037*/ questionid = 0x029E, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x032D*/ questionid = 0x029F, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0001, /*varoffset = 0x0033*/ questionid = 0x02A0, maximum = 255, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; numeric varid = 0x0003, questionid = 0x02A1, maximum = 65535, minimum = 0, step = 0x0, endnumeric; endif; endform; endformset;